2 Research Posts in GIS/ViSC


Departments of Geography


Visualization toolkit for teaching and
learning in the spatial sciences

Applications are invited for TWO Research Associates to work on
the above project which is funded by the New Technologies
Initiative of the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher
Education funding councils and which is being conducted jointly
in the two institutions.

Initially, both posts are for one year from 1st January 1994 (or
as soon after as possible), but the project is designed to last for
two years. Progress into the second year is conditional on a
satisfactory performance in the first. The successful applicants
will have the opportunity to participate in the work of two of the
country's leading establishments for research in spatial
information science.

a) To work at the Midlands Regional Research Laboratory,
      University of Leicester under the direction of Dr. P. Fisher
      and Mr. J. Wood. A Research Associate, Grade 1A, with a
      salary in the range 12,828 pounds to 20,442 pounds pa according
      to age and experience. Work at Leicester will involve the
      production of a visualization toolkit based around existing
      GIS (GRASS) and ViSC (KHOROS) systems. The successful
      candidate is likely to have a PhD degree in Computer
      science or in work related to GIS/cartography with good C
      programming and UNIX experience. Previous experience in
      using a scientific visualization system would be a
      considerable advantage.

b) To work at the South East Regional Research Laboratory,
      Birkbeck College, University of London under the direction
      of Professor David Unwin. A Research Associate, Grade 1B
      with salary in the range 14,962 pounds to 20,989 pounds pa
      including London Allowance (27 age point) according to age
      and experience. Work at Birkbeck will involve the creation
      of a series of training modules using real data from a range
      of environmental and social sciences to illustrate the
      application of scientific visualization in teaching and
      learning. The successful candidate is likely to be a
      computer literate Master's level graduate, with some
      experience in either computer based learning or the design
      and production of training materials.

To apply, please send a CV including the names and addresses of
two referees to Professor David Unwin, Department of Geography,
Birkbeck College London, 7-15 Gresse Street, London W1P 1PA
from whom further particulars and a full description of the
proposed work are available. Candidates should indicate whether
or not they wish to be considered for both posts and, if applying
for post (a) should enclose a sample of some recent code in C
that they have produced. Informal contact can be made by
telephone 071-631-6511 or electronic mail UNWIN@uk.ac.bbk.ge.earth
or 0533-523839 (PFF1@uk.ac.leicester)

Closing date for applications : December 12 1993