4.1 compile failure: v.cutter

Got the following errors compiling src.alpha/mapdev/v.cutter/table.c

rm -f OBJ.sun4/table.o
gcc -O2 -I/files/data/hydro/data2/grass4.1/src/mapdev/Vlib -I/files/data/hydro/data2/grass4.1/src/mapdev/diglib -I/files/data/hydro/data2/grass4.1/src/include -c table.c
table.c:513: unterminated character constant
table.c:523: unterminated character constant
table.c:524: unterminated character constant
make: *** [OBJ.sun4/table.o] Error 1
GISGEN failure at STEP: src.alpha/mapdev/v.cutter

Here's what seems to be the fix:

/* following matrix commented out after compile error 930513 */

    A A A1B1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1
    2 2 | | | |
    B B A1B2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1
    1 2 | | | |
                 | | | |
                 | 0 | FLIP B | 0 | Don't Care
    0 0 | | | |
                 | | | |
                 | | | |
                 | FLIP | Don't Care | 0 | Don't Care
    0 1 | A and B | | |
                 | | | |
                 | | | |
                 | FLIP A | FLIP A | | Don't Care
    1 0 | | (or B) | Don't Care |
                 | | | |
                 | | | |
                 | | | |
    1 1 | Don't Care | Don't Care | Don't Care | Don't Care
                 | | | |
                 | | | |

*/ /* commented out 930513 after compile error */

Why the #ifdef fails here I do not know but is this the same error Dave
Gerders refers to later in the code??

/* There is a bug in the Sun compiler that it can't handle the
** statements below. Either that or I have a bug that I can't figger

This comment follows the above #endif. The code compiled after the
commenting was included.


----- End Included Message -----