[ANNOUNCE] tcltkgrass

As promised, the UNIX version of tcltkgrass will be contributed to the public
domain but the long awaited MSWindows version will be a commercial product.
Presently, 8 sites have shown interest in acting as alpha and beta testers for
the new version but we would like to extend that to approximately 20

Anybody can have the opportunity to be one of the 20 alpha test sites, provided
that their organisation is active in either development, applications or
education of GRASS and is using either a PC with MS-Windows or a SUN
SparcStation running SUN OS 4.0.x or a DEC DecStation running Ultrix 4.x. The
alpha version will be available at the end of July.

For those interested, please contact Valerie DesRoches:

L.A.S. inc.

Gilles Clement, president


My name is Ken Sibley. I am one of the developers for the Soil
Conservation Service (part of the US Dept. of Agriculture). We
are actively working in grass as well as developing new routines
for grass/ltplus/mapgen. We would like to be one of your alpha/beta
test sites. We currently have the first beta version of tcltkgrass
installed and look forward to see what's new. We are also curious
as to how the DOS MS Windows version is going to work. Are grass
commands actually DOS or is it just an interface in DOS to connect
to some other machine running grass?

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Ken Sibley
USDA-SCS "Hell, if you understand everything I say,
ksibley@ncg.scs.ag.gov you'd be me!" - Miles Davis