Announcing multi-criteria analysis module


  I just finished programming a GRASS module to perform
  multi-criteria concordance and discordance analysis on
  map data. You specify variables (from raster layers)
  with optional reclass rules, and a set of scenarios
  consisting in priority values for each variable. The
  program outputs a "concordance map" or "discordance map"
  for each scenario, expressing how much each existing
  configuration of values resulting from the data fits
  into the specified scenario.

  I wrote the program thinking the idea was new (as you
  may guess I am not an experienced GIS-man) for a small
  application, and discovered that IDRISI already has
  something similar. Sure the idea is not new and my hopes
  for a new publication vanish; nevertheless, I don't think
  GRASS has one such module, so at least I can provide an
  useful service to the GRASS community. At present the
  program uses some libraries I developed under contract
  so I cannot provide sources right now (but I will as soon
  as possible); it is C++ and does not quite adhere to
  GRASS programming standards. At the moment I can provide
  SunOS 4.1.x binaries and minimal documentation to anyone
  who is interested. I'd be interested in proposals to make
  the tool more useful and maybe work on some collaborative

  I work for free at the Institute as Italians usually do;
  I usually visit here every day so I am quite prompt in
  responding to email. Please get in touch if interested
  in obtaining the program. When everything is polished up
  and copyright issues are solved, I'll upload the sources

  With best New Year's wishes to you all.

Ferdinando Villa, Ph.D.

Institute of Ecology Direct phone: +39-521-905615
University of Parma FAX: +39-521-905402
Viale delle Scienze Home phone (voice mail): +39-521-604013
43100 Parma, Italy e.mail: