[bug #3436] (grass) Re: [GRASS5] Patch for bug#3345 (debian bug#313307)

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3436


thanks for the new patch, seems to work fine (I tested a few
man pages).

Applied to both 6.1-CVS and 6.0-CVS.


On Sat, Jul 16, 2005 at 08:42:47PM -0500, Daniel Calvelo Aros wrote:

Ok, there you are. This patch does correctly escape backslashes before
processing and then re-escapes single and double quotes where they could be
active characters for roff.

I noticed that backslashes are seldom used in the docs, but on two occasions
they are intended to be actual roff escapes:

- r.mapcalc uses '\e' to denote continuation once. It uses '\' one paragraph
later for the same. I think with this patch applied the '\e' should be changed
to '\'. Note that for roff \e is the escape character, which can be changed,
whereas \(rs is the backslash glyph. BTW, the docs for r.mapcalc contain
several tables written as preformatted text, which can be rewritten as proper

- r.watershed uses both \u and \d escapes, which are roff codes for switching
on and off superscript. Those should be changed to something html-ish.

Otherwise, occurrences of '\' are for verbatim continuation lines or as
html-unescaped shell-like special characters: \t, \n,...

Hope I got it right this time. Sorry for the previous noise.

-- Daniel Calvelo Aros

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