[bug #5496] (grass) Re: [GRASS-dev] v.digit: Could not set Tcl system encoding fixed (bug #4110)

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5496

Glynn Clements wrote:

> > I'm pretty sure that the problem is that lib/form/form.c doesn't call
> > Tcl_Main(), so the library path doesn't get set, so Tcl can't find its
> > .enc files.
> >
> > Realistically, if you are trying to use Tcl/Tk and your program
> > *doesn't* look very much like tkAppInit.c, all bets are off.
> >
> > Rather than trying to process the data from the form library in C,
> > form.c should just register the commands then do the rest in Tcl.
> Since I know nothing about tcl, I'll leave that to the experts. AFAIK
> form.c was
> originally written by Radim.

The attached patch appears to work, insofar as v.digit appears to work
as before, minus the encoding errors. OTOH, I know next to nothing
about v.digit (or the vector stuff in general), so it would probably
be a good idea for it to be tested by someone who is familiar with

Essentially, the form utility (lib/form/form.c) has been rewritten as
a typical "extended wish", with the communication with the form
library being performed in Tcl.

As I haven't had any response either way on this, I've committed the

Glynn Clements <glynn@gclements.plus.com>

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Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] v.digit: Could not set Tcl system encoding fixed
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