can't find site files...

Sorry to be dominating this list with continuous what's wrong questions,
but hopefully in a few months I'll be able to answer a few...

The problem is that when I run or newly created
I get the problem:

  Mapset <dev> in Location <global>
  GRASS 4.0 >

  OPTION: Name of input sites map
       key: input
  required: YES

  Enter the name of an existing sites file
  Enter 'list' for a list of existing sites files
  Hit RETURN to cancel request
  > list
  no sites files available

  Enter the name of an existing sites file
  Enter 'list' for a list of existing sites files
  Hit RETURN to cancel request

but when I run d.sites and do the "list" I get the following:

  > list
  sites files available in mapset dev:
  precip_1stq.test test

  sites files available in mapset grass_dat:
  papr.s pdec.s pjan.s pjun.s pmay.s poct.s pyr.s
  paug.s pfeb.s pjul.s pmar.s pnov.s pspt.s


while it is quite probable that I've mucked up, I know that
I have not done anything to (except to add some comments)
except to recently recompile it. It used to find these sites just

The directories are there the permissions all appear fine.
I've run MAKE.LINKS since compiling. hmmmmmmmm.
