Hi, Marilyn & Jay
Normally this is pretty straight forward: you change the name of the program
within the Gmakefile in the source code directory, then run the command
"gmake4.1" to compile the program, and then run the $GIS/src/CMD/MAKELINKS.xxx
(where xxx = the machine architecture - sun4, dec, mips, etc.) command to link
The problem is that you picked a particularly messy program to work with. When
you run the command "s.menu" you are actually just running a shell script that
calls various programs under $GISBASE/etc/sites. Rather than taking up lots of
bandwidth, why don't you either call me or e-mail me directly to discuss
We are currently working with Grass4.1. We need to use s.menu, but we
need to change the code slightly. We copied s.menu (source folder) to
s.temp, and changed the code. How do we compile the new function,
s.temp, and link it to Grass4.1.Thank you for any help
Marilyn Hughes
Jay WrightRutgers, Dept. of Geography
Malcolm D. Williamson - GIS Specialist E-mail: malcolm@cast.uark.edu
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12 Fax: (501) 575-5218
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701