Errors in compiling grass4.1


Could some one help me with compiling grass4.1 on Sparc 10 ?

I am getting the errors:

ld: undefined symbol
  __tty ..
Compilation failed .. failure at d.3d

When I skipped it, these errors are repeating at d.colors, i.class,
i.composite ..etc

May I know what's causing the problem ?

Using : Sparc 10, SunOS 4.1.3
for X11 I used -I$OPENWINHOME/include -L$OPENWINHOME/lib
for motif -I/opt/motif1.1.2/include -L/opt/motif1.1.2/lib

We have openwin 3.0.

Thank you,
Laxmi P. Musunur