
I see that there have been a few problems with makefile.g
for g.gnuplot. To those having trouble, try the

(A patch to g.gnuplot, aka gnuplot3.4, is being prepared
now. diffs and a new version will appear on moon when it
becomes available).

# This file is for GRASS, a geographic information system.
# To compile, make modifications below (if necessary) then
# % ln -s makefile.g Gmakefile
# % gmake4.1
# NOTE: this creates a binary called 'g.gnuplot' and is located in
# $GISBASE/bin.
# A help file is installed in $(GISBASE)/man/help/g.gnuplot
# GRASS driver written by:
# James Darrell McCauley Department of Ag Engr, Purdue Univ
# mccauley@ecn.purdue.edu West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1146
# Last modified: 26 Jun 1993
# Known Bugs: There may be a problem with fifo's. Then again, there may not.
# Drawing non-filled point types is slow.
# Things to do: modify text function to change fonts? will make g.gnuplot
# input files incompatible with gnuplot
# Modification History:
# <15 Jun 1992> First version created with GNUPLOT 3.2
# <15 Feb 1993> Modified to work with frames
# <16 Feb 1993> Added point types triangle (filled and unfilled),
# inverted-triangle (filled and unfilled),
# circle (filled and unfilled), and filled box.
# Graph is no longer erased after g.gnuplot is finished.
# <01 Mar 1993> Modified to work with 3.3b9
# <26 Jun 1993> Fixed up this file to automatically install the
# binary and help.
# Where to send email about bugs and comments

################### Don't touch anything below this line ###################


  binary.o \
  bitmap.o \
  command.o \
  contour.o \
  eval.o \
  gnubin.o \
  graph3d.o \
  graphics.o \
  help.o \
  internal.o \
  misc.o \
  parse.o \
  plot.o \
  readline.o \
  scanner.o \
  setshow.o \
  specfun.o \
  standard.o \
  term.o \
  util.o \

all: $(BIN_MAIN_CMD)/g.gnuplot $(GISBASE)/man/help/g.gnuplot


  ( cd docs; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MY_FLAGS) install-unix HELPDEST=$(HELPDEST) )

# Dependencies

term.o: term.h term.c term/grass.trm

$(OFILES): plot.h

command.o help.o misc.o: help.h

command.o graphics.o graph3d.o misc.o plot.o setshow.o term.o: setshow.h

bitmap.o term.o: bitmap.h

$(GISLIB): #