Geofence-server extension with PostGIS dialect

Hi all

The (integrated) Geofence extension comes bundled with H2 by default. There are also instructions on how to switch the dialect (datastore) to PostGIS but I am struggling to find the hibernate-spatial-postgis files, without building it to get them?


Is building the project a necessary step, or where else can I find hibernate-spatial-postgis-

Searching maven does not reveal up to date sources, the closest I could find was Index of /repository/org/hibernatespatial/hibernate-spatial-postgis/1.1.1 as hibernate-spatial seems to have been merged into Hibernate ORM.

I want to update the Geofence documentation with the correct approach - please let me know what it is!



In addition, I am able to restrict vector layers based on WKT Allow rules, but these rules do not seem to apply to raster layers. Is that accurate? Is there a working raster example?

Hi Peter,

If you want to use postgis as backend DB, you need:

Also remember to remove WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-spatial-h2-geodb-

Edit: Anyway, google points to the proper mvnrepository entry :slight_smile:

Edit#2: I updated the wiki page you pointed, and added the links to the jar files.
