Hi GeoNetwork Team,
I’m trying to make an installation of GeoNetwork 2.4.2 support the DISDI Geospatial Metadata Profile (DGMP) profile for geospatial metadata. This profile is based on ISO 19115 and designed to meet the needs of the U.S. Military.
After consulting the documentation and source code, I’m not sure what I need to do to get GeoNetwork to handle data in this profile as though it were one of the built-in profiles (ISO 19115 / ISO 19139 / Dublin Core / FGDC).
I have a completed XML Schema for DGMP metadata. I imagine I need to create a new directory under /geonetwork/web/geonetwork/xml/schemas and place the schema there, but what else will I need to do?
– Will
William Angley III
Sr. Consultant
Booz Allen Hamilton
575 Herndon Parkway
Herndon, VA 20170
Tel. (703) 377-9104