[GeoNetwork-devel] another issue with saxon ?


Using official GN 2.4, i’m getting today, from time to time, the following error.
Sure, i’m cusotmizing a bit my instance of geonetwork, but, i believe, in no way that could generate this kind of error…
Any idea ?
The only way i found to bypass the error is to restart tomcat (reloading the page, and even reloading the web app doesn’t suffice !)


Error log :
208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.request - ==========================================================
208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.request - HTML Request (from : /gn24_projet1/srv/fr/main.home
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Method : GET
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Content type : null
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Accept : text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Session id is DDDE5318CCA536B296BB88C352AA489E
208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - Dispatching : main.home
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.service - → no input parameters
208610 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → dispatching to output for : main.home
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
208875 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → transforming with stylesheet : C:\softs\apache-tomcat-6.0.16\webapps\gn24_projet1/xsl/main-page.xsl
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
ID systÞme inconnu; Ligne #22; Colonne #71; Impossible de trouver la fonction : tokenize
ID systÞme inconnu; Ligne #22; Colonne #71; jeton de fonction introuvable.
(Emplacement inconnu de l’erreur)java.lang.NullPointerException
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → exception during transformation for : main.home
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → (C) stylesheet : C:\softs\apache-tomcat-6.0.16\webapps\gn24_projet1/xsl/main-page.
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → (C) message : null
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → (C) exception : NullPointerException
209032 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.service - Raised exception while executing service



209032 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → dispatching to error for : main.home
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
209047 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → transforming with stylesheet : C:\softs\apache-tomcat-6.0.16\webapps\gn24_projet1/xsl/error.xsl
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
209094 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → end error transformation for : main.home
209094 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → error ended for : main.home

N’imprimez ce message qu’en cas de nécessité. Soyons éco-responsables !

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Directeur Associé

TIC - Webmapping 3D

Port : +33 6 09 23 21 36
Skype : igejean

Information Géographique et Environnement
12 rue Arnaud Vidal
31000 Toulouse

Tel : +33 5 61 86 81 49
Fax : +33 5 61 86 09 23
Mail : contact@anonymised.com
Site web : www.ige.fr

L’actualité d’IGE sur RSS : http://www.ige.fr/actualites/rss.php
Localisez IGE dans WorldWind : worldwind://goto/world=Earth&lat=43.55519&lon=1.38256&alt=190&dir=26.7&tilt=60.3

Note that unlike any other error, it completely freezes the geonetwork instance !

2009/7/29 Jean Pommier (IGE) <jean.pommier@anonymised.com558…>


Using official GN 2.4, i’m getting today, from time to time, the following error.
Sure, i’m cusotmizing a bit my instance of geonetwork, but, i believe, in no way that could generate this kind of error…
Any idea ?
The only way i found to bypass the error is to restart tomcat (reloading the page, and even reloading the web app doesn’t suffice !)


Error log :
208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.request - ==========================================================
208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.request - HTML Request (from : /gn24_projet1/srv/fr/main.home
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Method : GET
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Content type : null
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Accept : text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Session id is DDDE5318CCA536B296BB88C352AA489E
208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - Dispatching : main.home
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.service - → no input parameters
208610 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → dispatching to output for : main.home
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
208875 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → transforming with stylesheet : C:\softs\apache-tomcat-6.0.16\webapps\gn24_projet1/xsl/main-page.xsl
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
ID systÞme inconnu; Ligne #22; Colonne #71; Impossible de trouver la fonction : tokenize
ID systÞme inconnu; Ligne #22; Colonne #71; jeton de fonction introuvable.
(Emplacement inconnu de l’erreur)java.lang.NullPointerException
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → exception during transformation for : main.home
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → (C) stylesheet : C:\softs\apache-tomcat-6.0.16\webapps\gn24_projet1/xsl/main-page.
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → (C) message : null
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → (C) exception : NullPointerException
209032 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.service - Raised exception while executing service



209032 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → dispatching to error for : main.home
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
209047 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → transforming with stylesheet : C:\softs\apache-tomcat-6.0.16\webapps\gn24_projet1/xsl/error.xsl
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
209094 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → end error transformation for : main.home
209094 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → error ended for : main.home

N’imprimez ce message qu’en cas de nécessité. Soyons éco-responsables !

Donnez une nouvelle dimension à vos données…


Directeur Associé

TIC - Webmapping 3D

Port : +33 6 09 23 21 36
Skype : igejean

Information Géographique et Environnement
12 rue Arnaud Vidal
31000 Toulouse

Tel : +33 5 61 86 81 49
Fax : +33 5 61 86 09 23
Mail : contact@anonymised.com
Site web : www.ige.fr

L’actualité d’IGE sur RSS : http://www.ige.fr/actualites/rss.php
Localisez IGE dans WorldWind : worldwind://goto/world=Earth&lat=43.55519&lon=1.38256&alt=190&dir=26.7&tilt=60.3

Hi Jean,

The log message:

WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!

usually means that your GeoNetwork is somehow NOT using saxon because the attempt to set saxon attributes on the transformer factory didn't work, so this sounds like your GeoNetwork instance is still using xalan (same for the message about the tokenize function).

We use the services API to tell GeoNetwork to use saxon as the transformer factory (so as not to interfere with geoserver) - so you need the file in meta information (web/geonetwork/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory) with the caching transformer factory name in it (same for intermap).


PS: your email subject says 'another' issue with saxon - were there any others?

Jean Pommier (IGE) wrote:

Note that unlike any other error, it completely freezes the geonetwork instance !

2009/7/29 Jean Pommier (IGE) <jean.pommier@anonymised.com <mailto:jean.pommier@anonymised.com>>


    Using official GN 2.4, i'm getting today, from time to time, the
    following error.
    Sure, i'm cusotmizing a bit my instance of geonetwork, but, i
    believe, in no way that could generate this kind of error...
    Any idea ?
    The only way i found to bypass the error is to restart tomcat
    (reloading the page, and even reloading the web app doesn't suffice !)


    Error log :
    208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.request -
    208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.request - HTML Request (from : /gn24_projet1/srv/fr/main.home
    208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Method : GET
    208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Content type : null
    208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Accept :
    208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Session id is
    208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - Dispatching : main.home
    208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.service - -> no input parameters
    208610 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - -> dispatching to
    output for : main.home
    WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
    208875 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - -> transforming
    with stylesheet :
    WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
    ID systÞme inconnu; Ligne #22; Colonne #71; Impossible de trouver
    la fonction : tokenize
    ID systÞme inconnu; Ligne #22; Colonne #71; jeton de fonction
    (Emplacement inconnu de l'erreur)java.lang.NullPointerException
    209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - -> exception
    during transformation for : main.home
    209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - -> (C) stylesheet
    : C:\softs\apache-tomcat-6.0.16\webapps\gn24_projet1\/xsl/main-page.
    209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - -> (C) message : null
    209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - -> (C) exception : NullPointerException
    209032 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.service - Raised exception
    while executing service
    <error id="error">
      <message />
        <at class="jeeves.utils.Xml" file="Xml.java" line="243"
    method="transform" />
        <at class="jeeves.utils.Xml" file="Xml.java" line="204"
    method="transform" />
        <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceManager"
    file="ServiceManager.java" line="678" method="dispatchOutput" />
        <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceManager"
    file="ServiceManager.java" line="383" method="dispatch" />
        <at class="jeeves.server.JeevesEngine"
    file="JeevesEngine.java" line="621" method="dispatch" />
        <at class="jeeves.server.sources.http.JeevesServlet"
    file="JeevesServlet.java" line="174" method="execute" />
        <at class="jeeves.server.sources.http.JeevesServlet"
    file="JeevesServlet.java" line="89" method="doGet" />
        <at class="javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet"
    file="HttpServlet.java" line="690" method="service" />
        <at class="javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet"
    file="HttpServlet.java" line="803" method="service" />
        <at class="org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain"
    file="ApplicationFilterChain.java" line="290"
      <response />
    209032 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - -> dispatching to
    error for : main.home
    WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
    209047 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - -> transforming
    with stylesheet :
    WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
    209094 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - -> end error
    transformation for : main.home
    209094 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - -> error ended for
    : main.home

            N'imprimez ce message qu'en cas de nécessité. Soyons
            éco-responsables !

            Donnez une nouvelle dimension à vos données…

            I G E

            Jean POMMIER
            *Directeur Associé*

            TIC - Webmapping 3D

            Port : +33 6 09 23 21 36
            Skype : igejean

            Information Géographique et Environnement
            12 rue Arnaud Vidal
            31000 Toulouse

            Tel : +33 5 61 86 81 49
            Fax : +33 5 61 86 09 23
            Mail : contact@anonymised.com <mailto:contact@anonymised.com>
            Site web : www.ige.fr <http://wwww.ige.fr>

            *L'actualité d'IGE sur RSS :
            *Localisez IGE dans WorldWind :


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Hi Simon,

Thanks for the answer.
I did not change the services/javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory from its original value when it started occurring.
However, i thought it was something similar, so i tried also with the ‘no-caching’ value, net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl, but it still occurred.
Looks like it is somewhat related with some part of javascript code i imported from geocat (geographic filter one, i believe). I’ll try a bit later to find what happens. Right now, i have to let it apart.
Il i find, i’ll post the info, of course !


PS : well, when i wrote ‘another’ issue, i just thought of the “html ‘version=1.0’” that caused pbs in some thesaurus-*.xsl… nothing new ! ;o)

2009/7/30 Simon Pigot <Simon.Pigot@anonymised.com>

Hi Jean,

The log message:

WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!

usually means that your GeoNetwork is somehow NOT using saxon because the attempt to set saxon attributes on the transformer factory didn’t work, so this sounds like your GeoNetwork instance is still using xalan (same for the message about the tokenize function).

We use the services API to tell GeoNetwork to use saxon as the transformer factory (so as not to interfere with geoserver) - so you need the file in meta information (web/geonetwork/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory) with the caching transformer factory name in it (same for intermap).


PS: your email subject says ‘another’ issue with saxon - were there any others?

Jean Pommier (IGE) wrote:

Note that unlike any other error, it completely freezes the geonetwork instance !

2009/7/29 Jean Pommier (IGE) <jean.pommier@anonymised.com mailto:[jean.pommier@anonymised.com](mailto:jean.pommier@anonymised.com)>


Using official GN 2.4, i’m getting today, from time to time, the
following error.
Sure, i’m cusotmizing a bit my instance of geonetwork, but, i
believe, in no way that could generate this kind of error…
Any idea ?
The only way i found to bypass the error is to restart tomcat
(reloading the page, and even reloading the web app doesn’t suffice !)


Error log :
208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.request -

208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.request - HTML Request (from : /gn24_projet1/srv/fr/main.home
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Method : GET
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Content type : null
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Accept :
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.request - Session id is
208594 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - Dispatching : main.home
208594 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.service - → no input parameters
208610 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → dispatching to
output for : main.home
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
208875 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → transforming
with stylesheet :
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
ID systÞme inconnu; Ligne #22; Colonne #71; Impossible de trouver
la fonction : tokenize
ID systÞme inconnu; Ligne #22; Colonne #71; jeton de fonction
(Emplacement inconnu de l’erreur)java.lang.NullPointerException
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → exception
during transformation for : main.home
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → (C) stylesheet
: C:\softs\apache-tomcat-6.0.16\webapps\gn24_projet1/xsl/main-page.
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → (C) message : null
209032 [http-8080-1] ERROR jeeves.service - → (C) exception : NullPointerException
209032 [http-8080-1] DEBUG jeeves.service - Raised exception
while executing service



209032 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → dispatching to
error for : main.home
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
209047 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → transforming
with stylesheet :
WARNING: transformerfactory doesnt like saxon attributes!
209094 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → end error
transformation for : main.home
209094 [http-8080-1] INFO jeeves.service - → error ended for
: main.home

N’imprimez ce message qu’en cas de nécessité. Soyons
éco-responsables !

Donnez une nouvelle dimension à vos données…


Directeur Associé

TIC - Webmapping 3D

Port : +33 6 09 23 21 36
Skype : igejean

Information Géographique et Environnement
12 rue Arnaud Vidal
31000 Toulouse

Tel : +33 5 61 86 81 49
Fax : +33 5 61 86 09 23

Mail : contact@anonymised.com mailto:[contact@anonymised.com](mailto:contact@anonymised.com58...)
Site web : www.ige.fr <http://wwww.ige.fr>

*L’actualité d’IGE sur RSS :
*Localisez IGE dans WorldWind :

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GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork