Part of the things we have been looking at using Geonetwork for at
work has involved harvesting from ArcSDE. One of the things we noticed
was missing was a way to harvest the thumbnails that are sometimes
stored in the metadata harvested from Arc. It turns out that Arc uses
a method to convert these thumbnails to images for display within
ArcCatalog. This method is available through a jar file which ships
with Arc.
Using this, I have written a class that sits inside
org.fao.geonet.arcgis which can harvest a thumbnail from an XML
element, store it in a temp file, and then load that temp file as a
thumbnail for a metadata element. As a part of this, I needed to
extend the dummy ArcSDE module.
Would this be a useful thing to add to the Geonetwork codebase? If so,
how should I go about getting it verified and uploaded?
Elgar Storm