[GeoNetwork-devel] Bug in inspire schematron rules on Inspire themes

Hi list,

I am working on trunk (revision : 6441) compiled with schematron-rules-inspire.sch.
In the validation report regarding INSPIRE implementing rules, I get the following errors :
* INSPIRE Theme thesaurus not found,
* INSPIRE theme is mandatory.

Which is weird because I have added the keyword using GN interface and pointing to the GEMET thesauri uploaded in GN.

This error is due to the fact that in 'schematron-rules-inspire.sch' the name of the rdf file is harcoded:
<sch:let name="inspire-thesaurus" value="document('../../codelist/external/thesauri/theme/inspire.rdf')"/>
whereas the name of that file on the svn is 'inspire-theme.rdf".

Upoading a rdf named 'inspire.rdf' solves this issue.
The schematron should be updated accordingly.

By the way shouldn't the xml store a more precise version of the GEMET thesaurus used ? Sthg like below (based on GEMET main page) :
<gco:CharacterString>GEMET version 2.4</gco:CharacterString>
<CI_DateTypeCode codeList="./resources/codeList.xml#CI_DateTypeCode" codeListValue="revision"/>


Hello Sylvain,

2010/8/24 Sylvain Grellet <s.grellet@anonymised.com>:

Hi list,

I am working on trunk (revision : 6441) compiled with
In the validation report regarding INSPIRE implementing rules, I get the
following errors :
* INSPIRE Theme thesaurus not found,
* INSPIRE theme is mandatory.

Which is weird because I have added the keyword using GN interface and
pointing to the GEMET thesauri uploaded in GN.

This error is due to the fact that in 'schematron-rules-inspire.sch' the
name of the rdf file is harcoded:
<sch:let name="inspire-thesaurus"
whereas the name of that file on the svn is 'inspire-theme.rdf".

Fixed in trunk.

Upoading a rdf named 'inspire.rdf' solves this issue.
The schematron should be updated accordingly.

By the way shouldn't the xml store a more precise version of the GEMET
thesaurus used ? Sthg like below (based on GEMET main page) :

See http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/ticket/226 , but not planned from
my side for now.

Thanks for testing.


<gco:CharacterString>GEMET version 2.4</gco:CharacterString>
<CI_DateTypeCode codeList="./resources/codeList.xml#CI_DateTypeCode"


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