Dear Geonetwork Committers,
This was a question asked back in 2007:
and was answered by Ivan Renteria Toledo. We made a similar change to the two files, metadata-fgdc-std.xsl & metadata-utils.xsl, and it worked nicely to display an FGDC browse image. (Instead of a direct href="metadata/browsen", to get behavior consistent with the ISO 19139 behavior, we used href="javascript:popWindow('{$metadata/browsen}'")
We have a lot of FGDC records, and would like this feature to be part of the next 2.4 release, but it doesn't appear to be part of the current trunk in Subversion.
Can this please be added by someone who has commit capability?
Thanks so much,
Richard Fozzard, Computer Scientist
Geospatial Metadata at NGDC:
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Univ. Colorado & NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, Enterprise Data Systems 325 S. Broadway, Skaggs 1B-305, Boulder, CO 80305
Office: 303-497-6487, Cell: 303-579-5615, Email: