[GeoNetwork-devel] can not convert SOS to ISO19139

Hi Team,

When I harvest the SOS ( http://kiwis.kisters.de/KiWIS/KiWIS?datasource=3&request=GetCapabilities&service=SOS&version=2.0.0 ) using GeoNetwork 2.10.10, It has some problem ton convert SOS to ISO 19139 as below. I am wondering if the problem can be fixed by modifying the OGCSOSGetCapabilitiesLayer-to-19139.xsl

2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - Raised exception while ha
rvesting from : kiwis (OgcWxSHarvester)
2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Class : IllegalSta
2013-10-21 12:30:44,360 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Message : Root eleme
nt not set
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Root element not set
at org.jdom.Document.getRootElement(Document.java:218)
at jeeves.utils.Xml.transform(Xml.java:401)
at org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.ogcwxs.Harvester.addMetadata(
at org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.ogcwxs.Harvester.harvest(Harv
at org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.ogcwxs.OgcWxSHarvester.doHarv
at org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.AbstractHarvester$HarvestWith
at org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.AbstractHarvester.harvest(Abs
at org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.HarvesterJob.execute(Harveste
at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:213)
at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$WorkerThread.run(SimpleThreadPool.j

Thanks and best regards,

Kai Liu
Ph.D. student
Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science
George Mason University

Am 21/10/2013 um 21:21 schrieb kliu4:

When I harvest the SOS (
) using GeoNetwork 2.10.10, It has some problem ton convert SOS to ISO
19139 as below. I am wondering if the problem can be fixed by modifying
the OGCSOSGetCapabilitiesLayer-to-19139.xsl

2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - Raised exception
while ha
rvesting from : kiwis (OgcWxSHarvester)
2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Class :
2013-10-21 12:30:44,360 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Message :
Root eleme
nt not set
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Root element not set
         at org.jdom.Document.getRootElement(Document.java:218)
         at jeeves.utils.Xml.transform(Xml.java:401)
         at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:213)

A post elaborating more on this problem has not been published yet to the mailing list but is available in the nabble forum:


Extending on that post, we have taken a look at the server logs during the harvesting and have found the following: The (new version of the 52N) SOS (4.x) gives an error when the "version" request parameter is present:

Request gives exception: .../sos?service=SOS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&Version=1.0.0

Request works: .../sos?request=GetCapabilities&service=SOS&AcceptVersions=1.0.0

The request parameter could be safely ignored by the server side, so that would be one way of fixing it.

However, since the GetCapabilities operation does not have a version parameter (it does not make send, because I execute GetCapabilities precisely to get to know the available versions), do you agree that is a bug in the Harvester?

The line is https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/blob/develop/harvesters/src/main/java/org/fao/geonet/kernel/harvest/harvester/ogcwxs/Harvester.java#L206

This should use the ACCEPTVERSIONS parameter.

Thanks for your help!


Daniel Nüst
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster, Germany
E-Mail: d.nuest@anonymised.com
Fon: +49-(0)-251–396371-36
Fax: +49-(0)-251–396371-11

Twitter: @FiveTwoN

General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

Great job, Dan.

I agree with you. The SOS should be separated with other OGC WxSs and it needs the AcceptVersions parameter. But I am wondering if all the SOS servers use AcceptVersions? or only the specific versions of 52N use this parameter?

Best regards,


On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 7:13 AM, Daniel Nüst <d.nuest@anonymised.com> wrote:

Am 21/10/2013 um 21:21 schrieb kliu4:

When I harvest the SOS (
) using GeoNetwork 2.10.10, It has some problem ton convert SOS to ISO
19139 as below. I am wondering if the problem can be fixed by modifying
the OGCSOSGetCapabilitiesLayer-to-19139.xsl

2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - Raised exception
while ha
rvesting from : kiwis (OgcWxSHarvester)
2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Class :
2013-10-21 12:30:44,360 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Message :
Root eleme
nt not set
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Root element not set
at org.jdom.Document.getRootElement(Document.java:218)
at jeeves.utils.Xml.transform(Xml.java:401)
at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:213)

A post elaborating more on this problem has not been published yet to
the mailing list but is available in the nabble forum:


Extending on that post, we have taken a look at the server logs during
the harvesting and have found the following: The (new version of the
52N) SOS (4.x) gives an error when the “version” request parameter is

Request gives exception:

Request works:

The request parameter could be safely ignored by the server side, so
that would be one way of fixing it.

However, since the GetCapabilities operation does not have a version
parameter (it does not make send, because I execute GetCapabilities
precisely to get to know the available versions), do you agree that is a
bug in the Harvester?

The line is

This should use the ACCEPTVERSIONS parameter.

Thanks for your help!


Daniel Nüst
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster, Germany
E-Mail: d.nuest@anonymised.com
Fon: +49-(0)-251–396371-36
Fax: +49-(0)-251–396371-11

Twitter: @FiveTwoN

General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

Don’t Limit Your Business. Reach for the Cloud.
GigeNET’s Cloud Solutions provide you with the tools and support that
you need to offload your IT needs and focus on growing your business.
Configured For All Businesses. Start Your Cloud Today.

GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Kai Liu

Ph.D. student
Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science
George Mason University

Am 01/07/2015 um 22:01 schrieb Kai Liu:

I agree with you. The SOS should be separated with other OGC WxSs and it
needs the AcceptVersions parameter. But I am wondering if all the SOS
servers use AcceptVersions? or only the specific versions of 52N use
this parameter?

The SOS server supports AcceptVersions, but not "versions", which is not a specified query parameter for GetCapabilities.

The difference to the newer 52N SOS versions is that it will return an exception if the invalid parameter is provided. Older versions simply ignored it.

Hope this clarifies,

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 7:13 AM, Daniel Nüst <d.nuest@anonymised.com
<mailto:d.nuest@anonymised.com>> wrote:

    Am 21/10/2013 um 21:21 schrieb kliu4:
     > When I harvest the SOS (
     > ) using GeoNetwork 2.10.10, It has some problem ton convert SOS
    to ISO
     > 19139 as below. I am wondering if the problem can be fixed by
     > the OGCSOSGetCapabilitiesLayer-to-19139.xsl
     > 2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - Raised
     > while ha
     > rvesting from : kiwis (OgcWxSHarvester)
     > 2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Class :
     > IllegalSta
     > teException
     > 2013-10-21 12:30:44,360 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Message :
     > Root eleme
     > nt not set
     > java.lang.IllegalStateException: Root element not set
     > at org.jdom.Document.getRootElement(Document.java:218)
     > at jeeves.utils.Xml.transform(Xml.java:401)
     > at
     > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.ogcwxs.Harvester.addMetadata(
     > Harvester.java:284)
     > at
     > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.ogcwxs.Harvester.harvest(Harv
     > ester.java:233)
     > at
     > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.ogcwxs.OgcWxSHarvester.doHarv
     > est(OgcWxSHarvester.java:227)
     > at
     > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.AbstractHarvester$HarvestWith
     > IndexProcessor.process(AbstractHarvester.java:400)
     > at
     > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.AbstractHarvester.harvest(Abs
     > tractHarvester.java:470)
     > at
     > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.HarvesterJob.execute(Harveste
     > rJob.java:29)
     > at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:213)
     > at
     > org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$WorkerThread.run(SimpleThreadPool.j
     > ava:557)

    A post elaborating more on this problem has not been published yet to
    the mailing list but is available in the nabble forum:


    Extending on that post, we have taken a look at the server logs during
    the harvesting and have found the following: The (new version of the
    52N) SOS (4.x) gives an error when the "version" request parameter is

    Request gives exception:

    Request works:

    The request parameter could be safely ignored by the server side, so
    that would be one way of fixing it.

    However, since the GetCapabilities operation does not have a version
    parameter (it does not make send, because I execute GetCapabilities
    precisely to get to know the available versions), do you agree that is a
    bug in the Harvester?

    The line is

    This should use the ACCEPTVERSIONS parameter.

    Thanks for your help!


    Daniel Nüst
    52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
    Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
    48155 Münster, Germany
    E-Mail: d.nuest@anonymised.com <mailto:d.nuest@anonymised.com>
    Fon: +49-(0)-251–396371-36 <tel:%2B49-%280%29-251%E2%80%93396371-36>
    Fax: +49-(0)-251–396371-11 <tel:%2B49-%280%29-251%E2%80%93396371-11>

    Twitter: @FiveTwoN

    General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
    Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

    Don't Limit Your Business. Reach for the Cloud.
    GigeNET's Cloud Solutions provide you with the tools and support that
    you need to offload your IT needs and focus on growing your business.
    Configured For All Businesses. Start Your Cloud Today.
    GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
    GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at


Kai Liu

Ph.D. student
Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science
George Mason University

Daniel Nüst
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster, Germany
E-Mail: d.nuest@anonymised.com
Fon: +49-(0)-251–396371-36
Fax: +49-(0)-251–396371-11

Twitter: @FiveTwoN

General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

Thanks, Dan. It clarifies and helps me a lot to understand SOS.


On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 12:14 PM, Daniel Nüst <d.nuest@anonymised.com> wrote:

Am 01/07/2015 um 22:01 schrieb Kai Liu:

I agree with you. The SOS should be separated with other OGC WxSs and it
needs the AcceptVersions parameter. But I am wondering if all the SOS
servers use AcceptVersions? or only the specific versions of 52N use
this parameter?

The SOS server supports AcceptVersions, but not “versions”, which is not a specified query parameter for GetCapabilities.

The difference to the newer 52N SOS versions is that it will return an exception if the invalid parameter is provided. Older versions simply ignored it.

Hope this clarifies,

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 7:13 AM, Daniel Nüst <d.nuest@anonymised.com

mailto:[d.nuest@...1084...](mailto:d.nuest@anonymised.com)> wrote:

Am 21/10/2013 um 21:21 schrieb kliu4:

When I harvest the SOS (


) using GeoNetwork 2.10.10, It has some problem ton convert SOS
to ISO
19139 as below. I am wondering if the problem can be fixed by
the OGCSOSGetCapabilitiesLayer-to-19139.xsl

2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - Raised
while ha
rvesting from : kiwis (OgcWxSHarvester)
2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Class :
2013-10-21 12:30:44,360 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Message :
Root eleme
nt not set
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Root element not set
at org.jdom.Document.getRootElement(Document.java:218)
at jeeves.utils.Xml.transform(Xml.java:401)
at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:213)

A post elaborating more on this problem has not been published yet to
the mailing list but is available in the nabble forum:


Extending on that post, we have taken a look at the server logs during
the harvesting and have found the following: The (new version of the
52N) SOS (4.x) gives an error when the “version” request parameter is

Request gives exception:

Request works:

The request parameter could be safely ignored by the server side, so
that would be one way of fixing it.

However, since the GetCapabilities operation does not have a version
parameter (it does not make send, because I execute GetCapabilities
precisely to get to know the available versions), do you agree that is a
bug in the Harvester?

The line is

This should use the ACCEPTVERSIONS parameter.

Thanks for your help!


Daniel Nüst
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster, Germany

E-Mail: d.nuest@anonymised.com mailto:[d.nuest@anonymised.com](mailto:d.nuest@anonymised.com)
Fon: +49-(0)-251–396371-36 tel:%2B49-(0)-251–396371-36
Fax: +49-(0)-251–396371-11 tel:%2B49-(0)-251–396371-11

Twitter: @FiveTwoN

General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

Don’t Limit Your Business. Reach for the Cloud.
GigeNET’s Cloud Solutions provide you with the tools and support that
you need to offload your IT needs and focus on growing your business.
Configured For All Businesses. Start Your Cloud Today.

GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at

Kai Liu

Ph.D. student
Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science
George Mason University

Daniel Nüst
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster, Germany
E-Mail: d.nuest@anonymised.com1084…
Fon: +49-(0)-251–396371-36
Fax: +49-(0)-251–396371-11

Twitter: @FiveTwoN

General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

Kai Liu

Ph.D. student
Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science
George Mason University

Hi Kai!

Am 11/09/2015 um 18:14 schrieb Daniel Nüst:

Am 01/07/2015 um 22:01 schrieb Kai Liu:

I agree with you. The SOS should be separated with other OGC WxSs and it
needs the AcceptVersions parameter. But I am wondering if all the SOS
servers use AcceptVersions? or only the specific versions of 52N use
this parameter?

The SOS server supports AcceptVersions, but not "versions", which is not
a specified query parameter for GetCapabilities.

That is actually false, the parameter name that is available in other operations is "version", not "versionS". Sorry!

[That is all actually part of the OWS Common (OGC Web Services Common) specification, because that is where GetCapablities is specified.]

Can you confirm that this is a bug? Then I would file an issue on GitHub (reminder to myself, the line in question is [1], and the line where the stylesheet is selected is [2]).


[1] https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/blob/develop/harvesters/src/main/java/org/fao/geonet/kernel/harvest/harvester/ogcwxs/Harvester.java#L210
[2] https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/blob/develop/harvesters/src/main/java/org/fao/geonet/kernel/harvest/harvester/ogcwxs/Harvester.java#L314

The difference to the newer 52N SOS versions is that it will return an
exception if the invalid parameter is provided. Older versions simply
ignored it.

Hope this clarifies,

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 7:13 AM, Daniel Nüst <d.nuest@anonymised.com
<mailto:d.nuest@anonymised.com>> wrote:

     Am 21/10/2013 um 21:21 schrieb kliu4:
      > When I harvest the SOS (
      > ) using GeoNetwork 2.10.10, It has some problem ton convert SOS
     to ISO
      > 19139 as below. I am wondering if the problem can be fixed by
      > the OGCSOSGetCapabilitiesLayer-to-19139.xsl
      > 2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - Raised
      > while ha
      > rvesting from : kiwis (OgcWxSHarvester)
      > 2013-10-21 12:30:44,359 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Class :
      > IllegalSta
      > teException
      > 2013-10-21 12:30:44,360 WARN [geonetwork.harvester] - (C) Message :
      > Root eleme
      > nt not set
      > java.lang.IllegalStateException: Root element not set
      > at org.jdom.Document.getRootElement(Document.java:218)
      > at jeeves.utils.Xml.transform(Xml.java:401)
      > at
      > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.ogcwxs.Harvester.addMetadata(
      > Harvester.java:284)
      > at
      > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.ogcwxs.Harvester.harvest(Harv
      > ester.java:233)
      > at
      > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.ogcwxs.OgcWxSHarvester.doHarv
      > est(OgcWxSHarvester.java:227)
      > at
      > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.AbstractHarvester$HarvestWith
      > IndexProcessor.process(AbstractHarvester.java:400)
      > at
      > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.AbstractHarvester.harvest(Abs
      > tractHarvester.java:470)
      > at
      > org.fao.geonet.kernel.harvest.harvester.HarvesterJob.execute(Harveste
      > rJob.java:29)
      > at org.quartz.core.JobRunShell.run(JobRunShell.java:213)
      > at
      > org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$WorkerThread.run(SimpleThreadPool.j
      > ava:557)

     A post elaborating more on this problem has not been published yet to
     the mailing list but is available in the nabble forum:


     Extending on that post, we have taken a look at the server logs during
     the harvesting and have found the following: The (new version of the
     52N) SOS (4.x) gives an error when the "version" request parameter is

     Request gives exception:

     Request works:

     The request parameter could be safely ignored by the server side, so
     that would be one way of fixing it.

     However, since the GetCapabilities operation does not have a version
     parameter (it does not make send, because I execute GetCapabilities
     precisely to get to know the available versions), do you agree that is a
     bug in the Harvester?

     The line is

     This should use the ACCEPTVERSIONS parameter.

     Thanks for your help!


     Daniel Nüst
     52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
     Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
     48155 Münster, Germany
     E-Mail: d.nuest@anonymised.com <mailto:d.nuest@anonymised.com>
     Fon: +49-(0)-251–396371-36 <tel:%2B49-%280%29-251%E2%80%93396371-36>
     Fax: +49-(0)-251–396371-11 <tel:%2B49-%280%29-251%E2%80%93396371-11>

     Twitter: @FiveTwoN

     General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
     Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

     Don't Limit Your Business. Reach for the Cloud.
     GigeNET's Cloud Solutions provide you with the tools and support that
     you need to offload your IT needs and focus on growing your business.
     Configured For All Businesses. Start Your Cloud Today.
     GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
     GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at


Kai Liu

Ph.D. student
Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science
George Mason University

Daniel Nüst
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster, Germany
E-Mail: d.nuest@anonymised.com
Fon: +49-(0)-251–396371-36
Fax: +49-(0)-251–396371-11

Twitter: @FiveTwoN

General Managers: Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849