Dear PSC members,
Here is a proposal to add an optional INSPIRE view in edit and view
mode (based on metadata IR). For non European GeoNetworkers, it will
also add:
* configuration parameters to show/hide tabs (advanced, iso, simple,
xml) in view and edit mode
* collapsible fieldsets
* basic CSS improvements
Looking forward to your votes.
+1 from me if it will include the system configuration option to enable/disable it. By default it should be disabled there for the generic GeoNetwork release in my opinion.
On 2 apr 2010, at 22:30, Francois Prunayre wrote:
Dear PSC members,
Here is a proposal to add an optional INSPIRE view in edit and view
mode (based on metadata IR). For non European GeoNetworkers, it will
also add:
* configuration parameters to show/hide tabs (advanced, iso, simple,
xml) in view and edit mode
* collapsible fieldsets
* basic CSS improvements
InspireView – GeoNetwork opensource Developer website
Looking forward to your votes.
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