[GeoNetwork-devel] Changing name of master branch to develope


We have just discussed here in Bolsena the name of the master branch. We have agreed that the name “master” is confusing in that it could be the “master/stable” branch. In our case it is the development branch. So we are going to rename it to develop.

The impact of this:

Impact on existing Clones
If you have an existing clone and you do a git pull you will get an error because the master branch no longer exists.

There is one step you have to take:

git branch --set-upstream-to=develop

If you do this git pull will work again but it will look funny because locally your branch will still be called master. There for I recommend doing the following:

git branch -m master develop

git branch --set-upstream-to=develop

If you reclone then nothing needs to be done.

Impact on existing forks
If you have an existing fork you will have to update your fork as well. Here is the process for that:

git push myfork :master
git push myfork develop

Voila fork is updated.

I have not yet made this change so If you have objections or foresee issues that we have missed, now is the time to let us know.


There were no dissenting messages so I have gone ahead and done this.



On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 6:12 AM, Jesse Eichar <jesse.eichar@anonymised.com> wrote:


We have just discussed here in Bolsena the name of the master branch. We have agreed that the name “master” is confusing in that it could be the “master/stable” branch. In our case it is the development branch. So we are going to rename it to develop.

The impact of this:

Impact on existing Clones
If you have an existing clone and you do a git pull you will get an error because the master branch no longer exists.

There is one step you have to take:

git branch --set-upstream-to=develop

If you do this git pull will work again but it will look funny because locally your branch will still be called master. There for I recommend doing the following:

git branch -m master develop

git branch --set-upstream-to=develop

If you reclone then nothing needs to be done.

Impact on existing forks
If you have an existing fork you will have to update your fork as well. Here is the process for that:

git push myfork :master
git push myfork develop

Voila fork is updated.

I have not yet made this change so If you have objections or foresee issues that we have missed, now is the time to let us know.
