Hi All,
First of all sorry for cross posting.
Secondly, I have been asked to develop some validation tools. I thought it would be a good idea validating the codeListValue(s) in valid ISO 19139 metadata record against valid ISO 19139 code lists identified in the URL in a codeList entry. I did this with Schematron. The XML is located at URL:
Note: that this doesn't work with the http://www.isotc211.org/2005/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml because this file doesn't validate. It use to but its schemaLocation values have changed and the values to work anymore. I have copied this file and fixed it so it does validate. This valid version is located at URL:
I will eventually use the official ISO TC 211 code list when it is corrected by whoever is responsible and willing to make the corrections.
I have also used Schematron to validate keyword values in a metadata record against the URL identified by the authority/CI_Citation/identifier/MD_Identifier/code/CharacterString content. At first I did this with XSLT because I couldn't get Schematron to do a loop within a loop. However, thanks to Rick Jelliffe who wrote Schematron, this now works in Schematron. The Schematron is at URL:
Similarly, I have also used Schematron to validate geographicIdentifier(s) used in metadata records against the URL identified in the authority/CI_Citation/identifier/MD_Identifier/code/CharacterString content. This uses Rick's code changed to suite the Xpath for geographicIdentifier(s). The Schematron XML file is available at URL:
I realise that these validation XML will use a lot of bandwidth to download the official code list documents. I have tried to get them to look up and use local copies of the code lists in an OASIS Catalog XML file. I haven't succeeded yet. I would appreciate any help that anyone can provide.
Anyway, I would like you all to use this Schematron as much as you like and to report any bugs that you find (hopefully there will be none) ;--). Of course you are welcome to use the Schematron in the GeoNetwork validation process.
I eventually hope to provide an online validation tool but it relies on a colleague of mine to produce the Java Jar file to do this. This may be happening soon.
Please feel free to circulate this to anyone you think may be interested. The more that validate their metadata the better.
Happy validation.
John Hockaday
Geoscience Australia
GPO Box 378
Canberra ACT 2601
(02) 6249 9735