Could I have commit access to the geocat.ch sandbox of the GeoNetwork
SVN please? I have already sending this email, but since i have no commit access.
My SourceForge id is 3452938
I have read and understand the Committers Obligation document at
My intent is to do some configuration and translation of labels and GUI.
I replace for 6 month Mrs Annina Hirchi-Wyss.
Avec mes sincères salutations.
Michel Quinquis
Informaticien, Master en Géosciences de l’Environnement
Département fédéral de la défense, de la protection de la population et des sports DDPS.
Office fédéral de topographie swisstopo
COGIS (Coordination, Geo-Information et Services)
Seftigenstrasse 264, 3084 Wabern
+41 31 963 21 11 (téléphone central)
+41 31 963 24 66 (téléphone direct)
+41 31 963 24 59 (télécopie)
Hi Michel,
I will add you to the committers with the understanding that you will only contribute to the swisstopo sandbox 
Welcome and I hope you have a good time collaborating on the project.
Kind regards,
introduces Bridge©
An extension to ArcGIS© to instantly publish data and metadata on GeoServer and GeoNetwork.
See [http://geocat.net](http://geocat.net/) for more details.
Jeroen Ticheler
GeoCat bv
Veenderweg 13
6721 WD Bennekom
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)6 81286572
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
On 11 jul 2011, at 11:37, Quinquis Michel LT wrote:
Could I have commit access to the geocat.ch sandbox of the GeoNetwork
SVN please? I have already sending this email, but since i have no commit access.
My SourceForge id is 3452938
I have read and understand the Committers Obligation document at
My intent is to do some configuration and translation of labels and GUI.
I replace for 6 month Mrs Annina Hirchi-Wyss.
Avec mes sincères salutations.
Michel Quinquis
Informaticien, Master en Géosciences de l’Environnement
Département fédéral de la défense, de la protection de la population et des sports DDPS.
Office fédéral de topographie swisstopo
COGIS (Coordination, Geo-Information et Services)
Seftigenstrasse 264, 3084 Wabern
+41 31 963 21 11 (téléphone central)
+41 31 963 24 66 (téléphone direct)
+41 31 963 24 59 (télécopie)
All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork