I’ve dug into the dev tools in chrome and found the owscontext key but even if I delete it the issue comes back without me trying to add any new layers. I’ll investigate further to see what the actual layers are.
On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Jose Garcia <jose.garcia@anonymised.com> wrote:
Hi Jo
The map configuration is not stored in the server side. Afaik, is used in the local storage of the browser, in owsContext property. In Chrome you can open the dev Tools:
![Inline image 2]()
You can cleanup the local storage from there, usually cleaning the cache should do it (try also to a private windows). With a clean cache, the context loaded should contain only the base map. So unless these layers have any issue, should work.
Jose García
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 11:02 AM, Jo Cook <jocook@anonymised.com> wrote:
Can someone provide me with some guidance as to how to stop this from happening? Geonetwork is still trying to add layers to the map and this has persisted through several tomcat7 restarts. Where is the information stored about the layers it’s trying to load?
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Vriendelijke groeten / Kind regards,
Jose García

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On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Jo Cook <jocook@anonymised.com> wrote:
Hi Developers,
I’m using Geonetwork 3.0.x and I have an issue with the “Adding layers to map” spinner, which seems to be stuck trying to load 3 layers. This has persisted through multiple tomcat7 restarts, cache deletions etc. Admittedly there is a problem with the layers it’s trying to load, but how do I stop it from showing them? If the setting is persistent, is it stored in the database somewhere?
You can see this in action at http://ssdi.astuntechnology.com/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/map
Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek