[GeoNetwork-devel] Enhancements to GeoNetwork

Hi all,

Sorry for the half-way finished message. I'll try it again (with a little bit less nervous mouse clicking finger I hope...)

I am working for the Western Australian Geothermal Centre of Excellence, who are establishing a metadata catalog with GeoNetwork 2.4.1.

They came up with enhancements and modifications, which should be generic enough to be of interest for the community and hopefully be integrated into the trunk. I'd like to bring them forward as proposals and patches.

The interesting features are:

1. Hierarchical keywords: Keywords can be grouped. In the advance search can be searched for either a whole group or a more detailed sublevel keyword can be chosen.

2. Content dependent drop down lists in advanced search: Having a dependency between categories and keywords. If category A is chosen, the presented keywords will be different from category B.

3. Query EPSG codes in metadata entry form: I already added a few codes as a suggestions drop down list, but more generic will be to query a service (http://www.epsg-registry.org/) for all of the codes.

4. Map in geographic bounding box insert: I guess this is obsolete, as the GeoEditorViewer provides this already in trunk (http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/wiki/GeoEditorViewer)

5. Temporal extent search: The ISO19139 standard holds the information "Identification info / Data identification / Extent / Time period". This should be searchable in advanced search. There is already work done on that in the BlueNet MEST sandbox.

I'd like to write proposals to the first 2 features as they are the most pressing issues and it would be nice to hear your opinions about the rest.

Thanks for your time,

Michael Stegherr, Computer Scientist
CSIRO Exploration and Mining | Phone 08 6436 8572
AARC, 26 Dick Perry Av, Kensington WA 6151, Australia