Hello All / Francois,
I have had some more thoughts about this issue and made some changes to our code.
I now run the search to populate the metadataStore using an async GET instead of using a callback, this results in a much more stable implementation and doesn't flash the search screen.
If the intention is to be able to use the "id=?" and "uuid=?" as standalone view components (from discussion with Simon my impression was this is the case, feel free to correct me) then it would be much neater if you could specify when passing to the search method if you want the search as async or with callbacks. Obviously callbacks would be default.
I would be interested to hear any thoughts on this / opinions on better methods to achieve the same goal. I am happy to make the changes and present them back if people are happy with my methodology.
On question which I do have, is there a way of populating a metadataStore with a single metadata item (by id or uuid)? I tried with a GET of portal.get, but couldn't get it to load to the metadatastore.
I would also like to see a way of turning off the top maximise and close icons in the view and edit windows? Is there a way of doing this? I don't think there is but I might be missing something.
James Sewell
Solutions Architect
Ph: +61 3 8680 3250 Fax: +61 3 8680 3299
Level 9, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne Vic 3000
-----Original Message-----
From: James Sewell
Sent: Thursday, 1 December 2011 11:25 AM
To: James Sewell; Francois Prunayre
Cc: geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [GeoNetwork-devel] Experimental ExtJS issue
On the same note in Catalogue.js metadataShow() and metadataShowById() seem to be different, in fact metadataShowById doesn't even populate the record (quoted out).
I suspect metadataShowById might be older code which needs to be updated to its counterpart?
I will open a ticket for this also.
James Sewell
Solutions Architect
Ph: +61 3 8680 3250 Fax: +61 3 8680 3299
Level 9, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne Vic 3000
-----Original Message-----
From: James Sewell [mailto:James.Sewell@anonymised.com]
Sent: Thursday, 1 December 2011 11:22 AM
To: Francois Prunayre
Cc: geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [GeoNetwork-devel] Experimental ExtJS issue
Hello Francois,
I will open a ticket today - although it looks like I may have an interim solution.
I did some more delving and found the same thing you did, the problem is due to no search having been performed. I tried adding a search in App.js like so:
if (urlParameters.uuid !== undefined) {
searching = true;
catalogue.search('searchForm', app.loadResults, null, 1, true);
catalogue.metadataShow(urlParameters.uuid, true);
The search works, but unfortunately the loading of the search to the metadataStore doesn't seem to have happened when metadataShow is called (it must happen just before the callback to app.loadResults happens).
I also tried passing in metadataShow as the callback, which seems to work like so:
catalogue.search('searchForm', function() {catalogue.metadataShowById(urlParameters.id, true);}, null, 1, true);
The only problem here is that sometimes you see the search frame pop up before the view pane overlaps it. This shouldn't be too hard to fix I suppose (just hide it).
Keen to hear your thoughts.
James Sewell
Solutions Architect
Ph: +61 3 8680 3250 Fax: +61 3 8680 3299
Level 9, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne Vic 3000
-----Original Message-----
From: Francois Prunayre [mailto:fx.prunayre@anonymised.com]
Sent: Thursday, 1 December 2011 7:01 AM
To: James Sewell
Cc: geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [GeoNetwork-devel] Experimental ExtJS issue
Hello James,
2011/11/28 James Sewell <James.Sewell@anonymised.com>:
Hello All,
We are using the EXTJS experimental GUI (which is great by the way!) in a
modular fashion; that is just using the edit, view and search functionality
independently of each other.
We have hit some unexpected behaviour when trying to view a record like so:
It seems that in this case the 'Actions' drop down menu does not work as
expected (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined,
MetadataMenu.js 84).
Yep I have similar behavior. Could you open a ticket on trac ?
Did you find a fix ? The issue looks related to the MetadataMenu
record which is not set because no search has been run yet (and the
metadataStore is empty). We have to find a way to populate the record.
This seems to be because the catalogue.metadataStore has not been
initialised / is empty. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? I
can't seem to get the catalogue to populate when running in this manner.
James Sewell
Solutions Architect
Ph: +61 3 8680 3250 Fax: +61 3 8680 3299
Level 9, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne Vic 3000
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