[GeoNetwork-devel] Feedback on our installation

Hi everybody,

I send you this mail for some feedback. We have just put our site online, a GeoNetwork 2.7, and we thank you for the assistance. The site works correctly and responds well. The url is www.cartopolis.org .

We modified some code line for having a link to the main page on the logo in the GUI component “guiwidgets”. For that, we modified the “App-mini.js” locate in the apps/search/js directory. In the line 17414, we have:

Ext.getDom(“title”).innerHTML=' '+info.name

We changed that by:

var lang=GeoNetwork.Util.getCatalogueLang(urlParameters.hl||GeoNetwork.defaultLocale);

Ext.getDom(“title”).innerHTML=‘ ‘+info.name+’’

We did a lot of test in this GUI component and we discover three problems.

-The first one: in the visualization mode, the button for the layer management doesn’t appear, we have to click between the projection system and the edge of the screen.

-The second one: the tooltip does not appear in front of the screen, but behind the map.

-The last one: If we compare Geonetwork and Geoserver, it appears that GeoNetwork is a little slower to display the data. Is this normal?

Once again, thanks for your work.

Best regards,
