[GeoNetwork-devel] GAST Migration - "Popup to choose user" not working?

Hello GN people,

I’ve been doing some migration attemps using GAST and got it to work OK, mostly :-P.
The thing is that, although I checked the option “Popup dialog to choose users” when I do the migration process, the popup never appears.

I’ve downloaded the source of GAST and checked that the necessary condition that triggers the dialog is never reached. Explanations ahead…

The condition is located in the file/class “Worker.java, line 421, function: migrateMetadata()”:
else if (owners.size() > 1)

In the same file, line 410, we retrieve the possible owners:
List owners = getPossibleOwners(oldDbms, id, xml);

But, according to my analisis the getPossibleOwners() method returns a List having 1 owner maximum.

Is this conclusion OK, or there is something I’m missing?
If I got it wrong, what are the conditions that make the dialog popup?

Thanks in advance,

Hein Jorge