[GeoNetwork-devel] [Geonetwork-devel] "how to" New metadata view or amendments of the INSPIRE metadata view

Dear GeoNetwork developers,

I would like to ask you whether is anywhere accessible sort of how-to guide explaining the steps how to add new/change a metadata view within the MD Editor?
I need to create either a new metadata view based on ISO19139 or to amend the INSPIRE one already provided inside the editor.
My concerns are for instance to get rid of 3 OnLine resource groups of elements displayed by default and instead display only one and leave the user the add another one if he wants.
Moreover, I need to add some elements and some of them remove.
Could anybody advice me, how to do it, or send any link where may I get more information about it?

Many thanks in advance,

Ing. Tomas Kliment

Contact information:

Juzna 4, 04801 Roznava, Slovakia
Tel: +421 907 232019
Tel: +39 389 4955 954
e-mail: tomas.kliment@anonymised.com
www: http://about.me/klimeto

Ph.D. student:
Slovak University of Technology
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Theoretical Geodesy
Radlinskeho 11, block A, 5th floor
813 68 Bratislava 15, Slovakia
Tel: +421 259274 297
e-mail: tomas.kliment@anonymised.com

Ph.D. Internship - Junior Researcher:
The National Research Council
Institute of Marine Science, Venice, Italy

External consultant:

Polymedia S.p.A, KIT Digital Company
Joint Research Centre of European Commission, Ispra, Italy
e-mail: tomas.kliment@anonymised.com