It seems Jeroen is on holidays. Would someone else be able to update the
GeoNetwork docs on the LiveDVD while he is away, as per the detailed steps
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: GeoNetwork docs not on the
OSGeo Live DVD? Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 07:35:07 +1000 From: Cameron
Shorter <> <> To: Jeroen
Ticheler <> <>
Hi Jeroen,
I notice that the GeoNetwork overview docs have not been converted to RST
format yet. Have you run into any technical glitches which we can help you
Can you please look into this ASAP as we want to be able to review and
provide feedback before the DVD is burned.
The generated Application docs look fantastic now, description on how to
update them is here:
If you have time, we'd love to have Quick Start documentation created too.
(This is highly desirable, but not mandatory)
Application Overview
The Application Overview<>is a one page marketing page written in RST
wiki format <> and built using sphinx. It
is to be stored here:<application>\_overview\.rst
An example, with tips on how to fill in the overview is here: will also need:
- an image for the application, usually a screen shot or collage of
screen shots, taken from a 1024x768 display, and stored here:
(A 800x600 desktop image will be acceptable, but is not the preferred, as
we plan to create additional higher quality PDF files from these images)
Screenshots with large areas of constant color (menus, etc.) should be in
PNG format, screenshots containing large areas of imagery (satellite images,
shaded relief DEMs, etc.) should be in JPEG format.
- A project logo, stored here:
In many cases, text for the overview will be similar to existing
Application Description documentation (which is being deprecated).<application>\_description\.html
Once finished, you can verify your reST<>text looks good by building using the following:
(*you will have to have Sphinx <> installed, it's
in the* python-sphinx *Debian package*)
sudo apt-get install python-sphinx
cd osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/overview
make html
You can then view the results in:
Try printing the html page from the browser, and ensure that the page is
less than one page long. (The less words you write, the more people will
read your documentation.)
Once finished, note your documentation is complete in the project status
On 16/07/10 06:54, Cameron Shorter wrote:
I'm now comfortable that the Application Overview template is ready to be
populated. In many cases, much of the content will just be a refinement of
existing Application Description documentation.
Instructions on how to fill it out are here:
There are also plenty of hints in the referenced example here:
We have a documentation freeze in 10 days, on 26 July.
I'm now moving onto finalising the Application QuickStart documentation
template, which will be highly desirable for this release, but not
Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source