[GeoNetwork-devel] GeoNetwork Footer

Has anyone created a tutorial or can anyone point me to <specific> steps on how to create a footer with GeoNetwork?

I see the posting made by Saher back in November regarding same topic and version 2.6, but I think I might be missing a step so it would help if I had a listing of all the files that need to be changed and how (not to mention a sample footer.xsl).

I'm working with version 2.8 at present if that helps.

Thanks in advance!


El 05/08/2013 19:14, “Kathy Koch” <kkoch@anonymised.com> escribió:

Has anyone created a tutorial or can anyone point me to steps on how to create a footer with GeoNetwork?

I see the posting made by Saher back in November regarding same topic and version 2.6, but I think I might be missing a step so it would help if I had a listing of all the files that need to be changed and how (not to mention a sample footer.xsl).

I’m working with version 2.8 at present if that helps.


What user interface are you using?

Thanks in advance!


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