[GeoNetwork-devel] GeoNetwork v2.4.0 RC0 ready for testing

Dear all,
Big news :slight_smile: You can start testing v2.4.0 Release Candidate 0. The release still needs small updates and bug fixes, but has a lot of new features that I think are unmatched in other geospatial catalog software!


(Make sure you pick the 2.4.0 RC0 release :slight_smile: )

Download at this stage is only the multiplatform version. To start the installer you normally only need to double click on the file. If that doesn’t work, make sure you have Java 1.5 or higher installer. If you have that, you can also issue the following command from a terminal (DOS) window: java -jar geonetwork-install-2.4.0-RC0.jar

You are welcome to submit issues you find in the ticket system at http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/report

For those who are testing, it would be great if you could do the following:

Thanks to all those that contributed to this release! I know some have had some very short nights to get here. Great work!!



=== GeoNetwork 2.4.x RC0: List of changes


β€” Known issues

  • On some Windows systems, installing in the default Program files folder causes
    a stylesheet compilation error. The workaround is to install in a directory
    without spaces in the folder names. E.g. in c:\geonetwork

  • In Postgresql an error occurs related to type casting while migrating from
    version 2.0.3. Using the older version of the jdbc driver version 7.4 seems
    to resolve this problem for Postgres v7 and v8.x. The old driver can be found
    at http://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html#archived

β€” Changes

Hi all,

First of all that's great news! Congratulations!

I also have some questions regarding the service harvesting feature and CS/W support below.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeroen Ticheler [mailto:Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com]

- Improve CSW 2.0.2 ISO Profil support

Does that include querying "OperatesOn" for harvested service metadata? Will it be in the 2.4.0 release or is it already implemented in the RC0?

We want to make heavy use of the harvesting feature for WFS and WMS services and therefore want to be able to query the harvested data through the CS/W interface.

In regards to that I also have a question about harvested data records. My experience is that it is possible to manually alter harvested records after harvesting, but that these changes are overwritten at the next harvesting operation. Is that correct? Because we wanted to be able to add some keywords manually.

Keep up the good work.


Hi Michael,
This is something we will be working on in the coming weeks, but it won't make it into version 2.4.0 for sure since it is a new function.

On Apr 6, 2009, at 7:50 AM, <Michael.Stegherr@anonymised.com> <Michael.Stegherr@anonymised.com > wrote:

We want to make heavy use of the harvesting feature for WFS and WMS services and therefore want to be able to query the harvested data through the CS/W interface.

In regards to that I also have a question about harvested data records. My experience is that it is possible to manually alter harvested records after harvesting, but that these changes are overwritten at the next harvesting operation. Is that correct? Because we wanted to be able to add some keywords manually.

Hi Jeroen,

Thanks for your quick reply.

Maybe my question was a bit unclear. I was asking about two specific features:

- Querying all tags in a service metadata record by CSW (or at least the "operatesOn" tag, or whichever tag where we can get the feature types out of a WFS or WMS service)


- The possibility to manually add more information to harvested metadata (like adding the feature types manually to the keywords, because they _are_ CSW-queryable at the moment)

Which of them are you currently working on?

Thank you again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeroen Ticheler [mailto:Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com]

Hi Michael,
This is something we will be working on in the coming weeks, but it
won't make it into version 2.4.0 for sure since it is a new function.

On Apr 6, 2009, at 7:50 AM, <Michael.Stegherr@anonymised.com>
> wrote:

> We want to make heavy use of the harvesting feature for WFS
and WMS
> services and therefore want to be able to query the harvested data
> through the CS/W interface.
> In regards to that I also have a question about harvested data
> records. My experience is that it is possible to manually alter
> harvested records after harvesting, but that these changes are
> overwritten at the next harvesting operation. Is that correct?
> Because we wanted to be able to add some keywords manually.