Hi Christian,
Good news, as far as i see, there is no other csw implementation based on
geotools. MDweb2 is a now a hot candidate.
FYI, GeoNetwork already implement CSW 2.0.2 and we’re working on CSW improvements (Add GetDomain/Transaction/Harvest request, follow INSPIRE requirements on CSW, …)
More details about that here : http://n2.nabble.com/CSW—on-going-work-td2163081.html#a2163081
In this context we integrated CQL parser from geotools, support for Filter Encoding request and also SpatialSearch (Only BBox was implemented in first implementation) using Geotools.
We are working on Geotools, version 2.5.1.
There is also some works handled by Jesse to support SpatialSearch in Geonetwork using Geotools too.
I would like to join your development efforts.
Which version of geotools do you use. Looking in the war file I see gt
jars with version 2.9. ???I need a german translation which I could contribute, are all String
externalized (I have seen en and fr property files)I have to deploy into Webshpere Application Server (my challenge, I did
the same successfully with geoserver)I cannot use postgres/postgis. My target is DB2. Does your design make it
possible to implement a db2 access module.
(Btw, I can contribute an oracle/mysql module, I did the same for my
geotools imagemosaic-jdbc plugin).christian
Vincent Heurteaux writes:
Salut Christian,
We’ve the same concern and are involved in several project that needs
INSPIRE conformance. MDweb2 is one of those (a metadata catalog
application) and it’s using extensively GT on it’s backend.
We’re curently working on the metadata library to give it a full INSPIRE
conformance, so if you’ve questions or comments about that, don’t
hesitate to chime us.Cheers,
Le 22 janv. 09 à 08:11, Christian Müller a écrit :
As far as I am concerned, I would try to enhance geotools to better
the INSPIRE EU directive.This directive is from the European Commission and all member states
have to
build a national GDI using all these ISO, W3C and OGC standards. The
frame ends with 2015, but many national projects have been launched
already.As I have seen many countries and administrative units tend to use the
stuff which forces the use of the ESRI server components. These
implement official interfaces but store the data in proprietary manner.
Another fact is, that in my opinion, the server components are built for
servers and only ported to other platforms, loosing performance.Another fact is that all European people have to support these projects
paying their taxes.I would like to improve geotools to build a open source alternative,
especially for poorer countries. To be fair, the first target are my
customers, because I have to earn money, of course.I know this is heavy stuff, but I dont want to leave the battlefield
trying to do it better and avoiding “vendor lock ins” as we have seen
the last 20 years.christian
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