[GeoNetwork-devel] [Geotools-devel] CSW & INSPIRE

Hi Christian,

Good news, as far as i see, there is no other csw implementation based on
geotools. MDweb2 is a now a hot candidate.

FYI, GeoNetwork already implement CSW 2.0.2 and we’re working on CSW improvements (Add GetDomain/Transaction/Harvest request, follow INSPIRE requirements on CSW, …)
More details about that here : http://n2.nabble.com/CSW—on-going-work-td2163081.html#a2163081

In this context we integrated CQL parser from geotools, support for Filter Encoding request and also SpatialSearch (Only BBox was implemented in first implementation) using Geotools.
We are working on Geotools, version 2.5.1.

There is also some works handled by Jesse to support SpatialSearch in Geonetwork using Geotools too.



I would like to join your development efforts.


  1. Which version of geotools do you use. Looking in the war file I see gt
    jars with version 2.9. ???

  2. I need a german translation which I could contribute, are all String
    externalized (I have seen en and fr property files)

  3. I have to deploy into Webshpere Application Server (my challenge, I did
    the same successfully with geoserver)

  4. I cannot use postgres/postgis. My target is DB2. Does your design make it
    possible to implement a db2 access module.
    (Btw, I can contribute an oracle/mysql module, I did the same for my
    geotools imagemosaic-jdbc plugin).


Vincent Heurteaux writes:

Salut Christian,

We’ve the same concern and are involved in several project that needs
INSPIRE conformance. MDweb2 is one of those (a metadata catalog
application) and it’s using extensively GT on it’s backend.
We’re curently working on the metadata library to give it a full INSPIRE
conformance, so if you’ve questions or comments about that, don’t
hesitate to chime us.



Le 22 janv. 09 à 08:11, Christian Müller a écrit :

As far as I am concerned, I would try to enhance geotools to better
the INSPIRE EU directive.

This directive is from the European Commission and all member states
have to
build a national GDI using all these ISO, W3C and OGC standards. The
frame ends with 2015, but many national projects have been launched

As I have seen many countries and administrative units tend to use the
stuff which forces the use of the ESRI server components. These
implement official interfaces but store the data in proprietary manner.
Another fact is, that in my opinion, the server components are built for
servers and only ported to other platforms, loosing performance.

Another fact is that all European people have to support these projects
paying their taxes.

I would like to improve geotools to build a open source alternative,
especially for poorer countries. To be fair, the first target are my
customers, because I have to earn money, of course.

I know this is heavy stuff, but I dont want to leave the battlefield
trying to do it better and avoiding “vendor lock ins” as we have seen
the last 20 years.


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This SF.net email is sponsored by:
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Geotools-devel mailing list

Adrian, Mathieu thanks for your answers.

After looking at MDweb2, I took a closer look at geonetwork.

Some pending questions

1) My target platform is linux ppc or linux/zos, are there any depencies to x86 hardware (I assume no)
2) geotools is an import part of the customers GDI infrastructure, he wants to reuse the skills (of course)
3) DB2 is a criticial point, I know I have to contribute the code,
  this should not be the problem. (I am responsible for the new jdbc-db2 module in geotools).
  Integration into Websphere and DB2 is essential and must be evaluated soon.

I am ready to contribute, btw, has anyone thought about the possibility to put the the object model and the search logic in an ejb 3.0 container.

There are some interesting benefits:

1) We can rely on a global transaction( 2 phase commit),
2) We can use a security model for business processing
3) We have no problems storing the features/entities independent of the db vendor
4) We can use the mapping info (annotations or xml mapping file)
5) We can formulate our sql queries in ejb ql , independent of the db vendor, as far as no spatial predicates are involved.

The only problem I see is the use of spatial predicates in an ejb query, which will need some investigations


Mathieu Coudert writes:

Hi Christian,

Good news, as far as i see, there is no other csw implementation based on

geotools. MDweb2 is a now a hot candidate.

FYI, GeoNetwork already implement CSW 2.0.2 and we're working on CSW
improvements (Add GetDomain/Transaction/Harvest request, follow INSPIRE
requirements on CSW, ...)
More details about that here :

In this context we integrated CQL parser from geotools, support for Filter
Encoding request and also SpatialSearch (Only BBox was implemented in first
implementation) using Geotools.
We are working on Geotools, version 2.5.1.

There is also some works handled by Jesse to support SpatialSearch in
Geonetwork using Geotools too.



I would like to join your development efforts.


1) Which version of geotools do you use. Looking in the war file I see gt
jars with version 2.9. ???

2) I need a german translation which I could contribute, are all String
externalized (I have seen en and fr property files)

3) I have to deploy into Webshpere Application Server (my challenge, I did
the same successfully with geoserver)

4) I cannot use postgres/postgis. My target is DB2. Does your design make
possible to implement a db2 access module.
(Btw, I can contribute an oracle/mysql module, I did the same for my
geotools imagemosaic-jdbc plugin).


Vincent Heurteaux writes:

> Salut Christian,
> We've the same concern and are involved in several project that needs
> INSPIRE conformance. MDweb2 is one of those (a metadata catalog
> application) and it's using extensively GT on it's backend.
> We're curently working on the metadata library to give it a full INSPIRE
> conformance, so if you've questions or comments about that, don't
> hesitate to chime us.
> Cheers,
> Vincent
> Le 22 janv. 09 à 08:11, Christian Müller a écrit :
>> As far as I am concerned, I would try to enhance geotools to better
>> support
>> the INSPIRE EU directive.
>> This directive is from the European Commission and all member states
>> have to
>> build a national GDI using all these ISO, W3C and OGC standards. The
>> time
>> frame ends with 2015, but many national projects have been launched
>> already.
>> As I have seen many countries and administrative units tend to use the
>> stuff which forces the use of the ESRI server components. These
>> components
>> implement official interfaces but store the data in proprietary manner.
>> Another fact is, that in my opinion, the server components are built
>> MS
>> servers and only ported to other platforms, loosing performance.
>> Another fact is that all European people have to support these projects
>> paying their taxes.
>> I would like to improve geotools to build a open source alternative,
>> especially for poorer countries. To be fair, the first target are my
>> customers, because I have to earn money, of course.
>> I know this is heavy stuff, but I dont want to leave the battlefield
>> without
>> trying to do it better and avoiding "vendor lock ins" as we have seen
>> during
>> the last 20 years.
>> christian
>> -----
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>> Geotools-devel mailing list
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Geotools-devel mailing list


1) My target platform is linux ppc or linux/zos, are there any depencies to
x86 hardware (I assume no)

You're right, no dependencies for MDweb2.

2) geotools is an import part of the customers GDI infrastructure, he wants
to reuse the skills (of course)

The MDweb2 core is GT based, it use the metadata GT library for the ISO19115 part and JaxB Un/Marshalling technology is used by the CSW 2.0.2 to generate ISO19139 XML streams. The same approach is used for SensorML streams in SWE infrastructure. JaxB is the main reason of the "GT-2.9" fork, it was taking place in the trunk, but we removed it for <humor> JaxB racism reason</humor> .

Lucene geospatial enhancement is made using GT (CQL, Filter, ....) an then can permit spatial metadata search.

3) DB2 is a criticial point, I know I have to contribute the code,
this should not be the problem. (I am responsible for the new jdbc-db2
module in geotools).
Integration into Websphere and DB2 is essential and must be evaluated

I am ready to contribute, btw, has anyone thought about the possibility to
put the the object model and the search logic in an ejb 3.0 container.

We looked at this few month ago, but for the reasons explained by Simone on the following e-mail, we wanted to be able to run MDweb2 in tomcat, then we decided to delay such work until EJB and Spring harmonize their views (who said JEE6 ?).



Sorry for the cross post.

Le 22 janv. 09 à 21:21, Vincent Heurteaux a écrit :


1) My target platform is linux ppc or linux/zos, are there any
depencies to
x86 hardware (I assume no)

You're right, no dependencies for MDweb2.

2) geotools is an import part of the customers GDI infrastructure,
he wants
to reuse the skills (of course)

The MDweb2 core is GT based, it use the metadata GT library for the
ISO19115 part and JaxB Un/Marshalling technology is used by the CSW
2.0.2 to generate ISO19139 XML streams. The same approach is used for
SensorML streams in SWE infrastructure. JaxB is the main reason of the
"GT-2.9" fork, it was taking place in the trunk, but we removed it for
<humor> JaxB racism reason</humor> .

Lucene geospatial enhancement is made using GT (CQL, Filter, ....) an
then can permit spatial metadata search.

3) DB2 is a criticial point, I know I have to contribute the code,
this should not be the problem. (I am responsible for the new jdbc-db2
module in geotools).
Integration into Websphere and DB2 is essential and must be evaluated

I am ready to contribute, btw, has anyone thought about the
possibility to
put the the object model and the search logic in an ejb 3.0 container.

We looked at this few month ago, but for the reasons explained by
Simone on the following e-mail, we wanted to be able to run MDweb2 in
tomcat, then we decided to delay such work until EJB and Spring
harmonize their views (who said JEE6 ?).



This SF.net email is sponsored by:
SourcForge Community
SourceForge wants to tell your story.
GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork


I am interested in the CSW MapFish client as described here - http://trac.mapfish.org/trac/mapfish/wiki/Proposals/Catalogue

Is this available as a download at all (I don’t mind if it is alpha or just source) and what is the roadmap for this client, is it to be ready any time soon?

Looks very interesting and I would like to hack around with it.



Hi Norman,

Norman Barker wrote:


I am interested in the CSW MapFish client as described here -

Is this available as a download at all (I don't mind if it is alpha or
just source) and what is the roadmap for this client, is it to be ready
any time soon?

You could have a look to :

Comments welcomed.


Looks very interesting and I would like to hack around with it.




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GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork