[GeoNetwork-devel] gmd:fileIdentifier problems while using CSW-T insert

Hi all,

I implemented a small CSW-T client in order to publish some
services(through ISO19119).It is working, but my problem is that
despite of the UUID is generatedand returned by GeoNetwork in the
Transaction Insert request responsethis UUID does not appear in the
new metadata register. Because ofthat, for example I can not execute
successfully searches based onthis UUID or the Transaction Delete
request.It is curious, because after editing the metadata register
it"appears" and then every thing works fine. I tried it also with
theadministration "CSW ISO Profile test" and the included
exampledeleting the <fileIdentifier> XML tag with the same result.
What am I missing? Is this a GeoNetwork bug?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best, Arturo
Arturo Beltran Fonollosa
Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT): http://www.init.uji.es
Geographic Information research group: http://www.geoinfo.uji.es
Universitat Jaume I, Avda. de Vicente Sos Baynat s/n
E-12071, Castellón, Spain
mailto: arturo.beltran@anonymised.com