I try the latest:
r8909 and r8910 of GN 2.7.0.
And I’m having very big troubles with they.
I firstly tried to set the new environment as reported in the internet proposal page:
And following that doc,
in the web.xml, I set the variable:
and after this I set also the catalina_opts:
export CATALINA_OPTS=“$CATALINA_OPTS -Dgeonetwork.dir=/home/tomcat/geonetwork_data_dir/geocat”
obviously the folder:
is writeable for the user of tomcat.
after this I try to start tomcat-engine,
but it after a few minutes without any page appearing , crash.
I see the log and see that was reported, it
was unable to write in
I understand the “NULL” was because the application geonetwork as not correct setting for some variable, but I was unable to find what.
So I would like to open a ticket, but unfortunately I cannot open it.
So I can only report the trouble to this list.
Also I noice that after all this I was many connections open forward my postgres dbms.
I would also add that until the version r8795 the geonetwork will work pretty well, some little problem, but never seen big rpoblems like these.
So I like to know if some other users was able to run GN 2.7.0 r8910 starting from sources, i need ot understand if there some big problem in r8910 or I’m wrong something.