[GeoNetwork-devel] GN install on Websphere


Our corporate application server is Websphere 6.1 Would there be any best practices set of procedures to install GN on WAS? We are using Eclipse to build any .war or .ear packages for this purpose. Some starter suggestions would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,

Ralph Baehre


The State of North Dakota runs GeoNetwork on Websphere 6.1 - http://web.apps.state.nd.us/hubdataportal/. We use an Ant script to repackage the project structure from geonet svn into three war projects, each of which is packaged into an ear for deployment.

Making geonet start on Websphere required one change to ki-jzkit-iface-1_2_3-fixed.jar – com.k_int.util.Repository.CollectionDirectory needs to be serializable to be stored in websphere’s jndi tree.

We modified Jeeves to use a container managed datasource, and made various other small fixes and customizations.

Let us know if you have any trouble getting things going.


From: Baehre, Ralph (LRC) [mailto:ralph.baehre@anonymised.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 1:13 PM
To: geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [GeoNetwork-devel] GN install on Websphere


Our corporate application server is Websphere 6.1 Would there be any best practices set of procedures to install GN on WAS? We are using Eclipse to build any .war or .ear packages for this purpose. Some starter suggestions would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,

Ralph Baehre