Hi Jose,
I don't know if I exactly understand what is going on, but from my
point of view it would be extremely useful to be able to configure all
the local permissions of the harvested metadata.
So instead of the current "copy/don't copy" permissions options
currently available on the harvester, it would be much more useful to
be able to define the privileges (publish, download, interactive map,
featured...) for different local users or groups.
The remote permissions are usually unrelated to local permissions
(specially users and groups policies can be totally unrelated) so
these copy/don't copy options don't really help.
Best regards,
On 11 March 2015 at 09:34, Jose Garcia <jose.garcia@anonymised.com> wrote:
As part of this commit
the harvesters allow to configure a group owner for the harvester.
This seem only used to allow to manage the harvester to AdminUser users of
that group, but the metadata groupOwner is set to null. At the same time the
metadata owner is taken from the user executing the harvester:
String group = null, isTemplate = null, docType = null, title = null,
category = null;
String id = dataMan.insertMetadata(context, dbms, schema, md,
context.getSerialFactory().getSerial(dbms, "Metadata"), ri.uuid,
Integer.parseInt(params.ownerId), group, ...
Would it make sense to set the metadata group owner to the group owner
defined in the harvester? Any opinion about this?
Jose García
GeoCat Bridge for ArcGIS allows instant publishing of data and metadata on
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Jose García
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6721 WD Bennekom
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