[GeoNetwork-devel] How to authenticate for CSW Insert Transaction (HTTP Post)?

I have several metadata ETL Python scripts that generate CSW AP ISO insert transactions (XML through HTTP Post).
Is there a way to login to GeoNewtork through a Post request?

Wolfgang Grunberg
Arizona Geological Survey

Hello Wolfgang,

2009/10/19 Wolfgang Grunberg <wgrunberg@anonymised.com>:

I have several metadata ETL Python scripts that generate CSW AP ISO
insert transactions (XML through HTTP Post).
Is there a way to login to GeoNewtork through a Post request?

You cannot do that in one step for the time being. You need to create
a session and login first using xml.user.login service.

Have a look to this example in JS
loginAndRun method.

If you've an example to do that in python, it could be nice to put
this example in the wiki ?



Wolfgang Grunberg
Arizona Geological Survey

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GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Yes please post and example, I'm interested in adding such a function to
a python metadata plugin in QGIS.


Francois Prunayre wrote:

Hello Wolfgang,

2009/10/19 Wolfgang Grunberg <wgrunberg@anonymised.com>:

I have several metadata ETL Python scripts that generate CSW AP ISO
insert transactions (XML through HTTP Post).
Is there a way to login to GeoNewtork through a Post request?

You cannot do that in one step for the time being. You need to create
a session and login first using xml.user.login service.

Have a look to this example in JS
loginAndRun method.

If you've an example to do that in python, it could be nice to put
this example in the wiki ?



Wolfgang Grunberg
Arizona Geological Survey

Come build with us! The BlackBerry(R) Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay
ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9 - 12, 2009. Register now!

Attached is my sample GeoNetwork CSW transaction with authentication Python script. I wrote it mostly to show how HTTP sessions could be handled but I do not know if it is the best or even an appropriate method.
Where do I submit it for review?
Should I just post it on the wiki?
Ciao, WG
Francois Prunayre wrote:


gn_csw_transaction_example.py (3.19 KB)

Wolfgang Grunberg
Arizona Geological Survey

Hello Wolfgang,

2009/10/19 Wolfgang Grunberg [<wgrunberg@anonymised.com>](mailto:wgrunberg@anonymised.com):
I have several metadata ETL Python scripts that generate CSW AP ISO
insert transactions (XML through HTTP Post).
Is there a way to login to GeoNewtork through a Post request?

You cannot do that in one step for the time being. You need to create
a session and login first using xml.user.login service.

Have a look to this example in JS
loginAndRun method.

If you've an example to do that in python, it could be nice to put
this example in the wiki ?



Wolfgang Grunberg
Arizona Geological Survey

Come build with us! The BlackBerry(R) Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay
ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9 - 12, 2009. Register now!
GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at [http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork](http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork)



2009/10/20 Wolfgang Grunberg <wgrunberg@anonymised.com>:

Attached is my sample GeoNetwork CSW transaction with authentication Python
script. I wrote it mostly to show how HTTP sessions could be handled but I
do not know if it is the best or even an appropriate method.
Where do I submit it for review?
Should I just post it on the wiki?

I made an how-to on the wiki

Thanks Wolgang.


Ciao, WG

Wolfgang Grunberg
Arizona Geological Survey

Francois Prunayre wrote:

Hello Wolfgang,

2009/10/19 Wolfgang Grunberg <wgrunberg@anonymised.com>:

I have several metadata ETL Python scripts that generate CSW AP ISO
insert transactions (XML through HTTP Post).
Is there a way to login to GeoNewtork through a Post request?

You cannot do that in one step for the time being. You need to create
a session and login first using xml.user.login service.

Have a look to this example in JS
loginAndRun method.

If you've an example to do that in python, it could be nice to put
this example in the wiki ?



Wolfgang Grunberg
Arizona Geological Survey

Come build with us! The BlackBerry(R) Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay
ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9 - 12, 2009. Register now!
GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at

#!/usr/bin/env python
# this is gn_csw_transaction_example.py

Example CSW 2.0.2 transaction with authentication Python script for
Tested with GeoNetwork 2.4.1 on Windows

Python 2.6
Wolfgang Grunberg
Arizona Geological Survey

# Library Imports
import urllib
import urllib2
import cookielib

# module globals and constants
__author__ = "Wolfgang Grunberg"
__credits__ = ["Wolfgang Grunberg", "the Internets"]
__email__ = "wgrunberg@anonymised.com"
__status__ = "Prototype" # "Prototype", "Development", or

# GeoNetwork constants
gn_username = "admin"
gn_password = "admin"
gn_baseURL = "http://localhost:8080"
gn_loginURI = "/geonetwork/srv/en/xml.user.login"
gn_logoutURI = "/geonetwork/srv/en/xml.user.logout"
gn_cswURI = "/geonetwork/srv/en/csw"

def gn_csw_transaction():
Execute GeoNetwork authentication and CSW transaction post
# HTTP header for authentication
header_urlencode = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Accept": "text/plain"}
# HTTP header for CSW request
header_xml = {"Content-type": "application/xml", "Accept": "text/plain"}
# authentication Post parameters
post_parameters = urllib.urlencode({"username": gn_username, "password":

# Sample CSW transactions
xml_request = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\
service=\"CSW\" version=\"2.0.2\"

# log in URL
url_in = gn_baseURL+gn_loginURI
# log out URL
url_out = gn_baseURL+gn_logoutURI
url_csw = gn_baseURL+gn_cswURI

# first, always log out
request = urllib2.Request(url_out)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
#print response.read() # debug

# send authentication request
request = urllib2.Request(url_in, post_parameters, header_urlencode)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
# a basic memory-only cookie jar instance
cookies = cookielib.CookieJar()
cookie_handler= urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor( cookies )
# a redirect handler
redirect_handler= urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler()
# save cookie and redirect handler for future HTTP Posts
opener = urllib2.build_opener(redirect_handler,cookie_handler)

# CSW request
request = urllib2.Request(url_csw, xml_request2, header_xml)
response = opener.open(request)
# CSW respons
xml_response = response.read()
print xml_response # debug

# Do something with the response. For example:
#xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xml_response)
#for node in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('ows:ExceptionText'): #
display <ows:ExceptionText /> value(s)
# print " EXCEPTION: "+node.firstChild.nodeValue
#xmldoc.unlink() # cleanup DOM for improved performance

# more CSW requests if desired

# Last, alaways log out
request = urllib2.Request(url_out)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
#print response.read() # debug

if __name__=="__main__":

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GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at

This appears to work fine when using the McKoi database but shows up using the Postgres db.

System config is setup for geonetwork user management and self registration is enabled.

The user self registers and gets an error back. in the logs we see that an exception was thrown trying to submit the form data.

parameter 14 is null.

inspecting the code we see that SelfRegister is expecting to put 14 params into the execute call but ‘city’ is omitted.

here is the fix:

+++ src/org/fao/geonet/services/register/SelfRegister.java(working copy)

@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@

dbms.execute(query, new Integer(id), username, Util

.scramble(password), surname, name, PROFILE, address,

-state, zip, country, email, organ, kind);

+city, state, zip, country, email, organ, kind);


“INSERT INTO UserGroups(userId, groupId) VALUES (?, ?)”,

Regards Andrew

NIWA is the trading name of the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd.