Hi All,
Can you tell me what I need to change to add a logging file to geonetwork ?
I see there is a log4j.cfg file in the WEB-INF directory of the web app. I guess the geoserverlogfile is what is expected to be configured.
There is also a data/geoserver_data/logs/DEFAULT_LOGGING.properties file with a geoserverlogfile. Is this where the log file should be defined ?
I don't think this path for the only file actually exists: log4j.appender.jeeves.file = logs/geonetwork.log
I see this one, which apparently is disabled: log4j.rootLogger = OFF
log4j:WARN File option not set for appender [geoserverlogfile].
log4j:WARN Are you using FileAppender instead of ConsoleAppender?
21 Sep 01:10:39 WARN [geoserver.logging] - Suppressing StdOut logging. If you want to see GeoServer logs, be sure to look in '/opt/geonetwork_2430/data/geoserver_data/../../jetty/logs/geoserver.log'
I see this warning in the tomcat/catalina log and the jetty log, but there isn't any such path to the above geoserver.log
Any help is appreciated,
Lund Wolfe
Arizona Geological Survey