[GeoNetwork-devel] Information about the license in a metadata record

Hello all,

We have the need to easily set the license information in a metadata
record. There are different options and ways to set information about
license, so If you've idea and comments on the following do not

Where to store the information about the license ?

In ISO19139, maybe gmd:otherConstraints is a good place. Some ISO
profiles add extra elements (like MCP, mcp:licenseLink,
mcp:licenseName, ... [1]).

How to easily populate the field ?

1) use suggestion to provide a select box next to the field (like for
denominator). One issue here is that we don't have link to the
2) use a gmx:Anchor instead of gco:CharacterString to have a link to the license
<gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/&quot;&gt;ODBL&lt;/gmx:Anchor&gt;
3) use a directory of license (subtemplates) and provide selection
like for contact directory.
4) use a register (iso19135) to manage a codelist of licenses and use
it to populate the information.
5) more advanced wizard ...
6) ...

If anyone is interested in the topic, we could try to discuss it on
next tuesday IRC and try to find a common approach ?

Thanks for your inputs.


[1] https://github.com/geonetwork/schema-plugins/blob/master/iso19139.mcp-1.4/set-datacommons.xsl

Hi Francois,

Isn't the "license" a "use limitation" so could it just be stored in
say gmd:resourceConstraints/gmd:MD_LegalConstraints/gmd:useLimitation/gco:CharacterString
or gmd:resourceConstraints/gmd:MD_LegalConstraints/gmd:useLimitation/gmx:Anchor ?

Or maybe you are already using the gmd:useLimitation/gco:CharacterString and you need
to put extra info. gmd:otherConstraints/gco:CharacterString ?



----- Original Message ----- From: "Francois Prunayre" <fx.prunayre@anonymised.com>
To: <geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 2:23 AM
Subject: [GeoNetwork-devel] Information about the license in a metadatarecord

Hello all,

We have the need to easily set the license information in a metadata
record. There are different options and ways to set information about
license, so If you've idea and comments on the following do not

Where to store the information about the license ?

In ISO19139, maybe gmd:otherConstraints is a good place. Some ISO
profiles add extra elements (like MCP, mcp:licenseLink,
mcp:licenseName, ... [1]).

How to easily populate the field ?

1) use suggestion to provide a select box next to the field (like for
denominator). One issue here is that we don't have link to the
2) use a gmx:Anchor instead of gco:CharacterString to have a link to the license
<gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/&quot;&gt;ODBL&lt;/gmx:Anchor&gt;
3) use a directory of license (subtemplates) and provide selection
like for contact directory.
4) use a register (iso19135) to manage a codelist of licenses and use
it to populate the information.
5) more advanced wizard ...
6) ...

If anyone is interested in the topic, we could try to discuss it on
next tuesday IRC and try to find a common approach ?

Thanks for your inputs.


[1] https://github.com/geonetwork/schema-plugins/blob/master/iso19139.mcp-1.4/set-datacommons.xsl

Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
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GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Hi Andrew,

2012/8/27 andrew walsh <awalsh@anonymised.com>:

Hi Francois,

Isn't the "license" a "use limitation" so could it just be stored in

I've seen both elements used but useLimitation is probably better.
Anyone know if the next version of ISO19115 will modify the constraint
element ?

Thanks for your input.



Or maybe you are already using the gmd:useLimitation/gco:CharacterString and
you need
to put extra info. gmd:otherConstraints/gco:CharacterString ?



----- Original Message ----- From: "Francois Prunayre"
To: <geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 2:23 AM
Subject: [GeoNetwork-devel] Information about the license in a

Hello all,

We have the need to easily set the license information in a metadata
record. There are different options and ways to set information about
license, so If you've idea and comments on the following do not

Where to store the information about the license ?

In ISO19139, maybe gmd:otherConstraints is a good place. Some ISO
profiles add extra elements (like MCP, mcp:licenseLink,
mcp:licenseName, ... [1]).

How to easily populate the field ?

1) use suggestion to provide a select box next to the field (like for
denominator). One issue here is that we don't have link to the
2) use a gmx:Anchor instead of gco:CharacterString to have a link to the
3) use a directory of license (subtemplates) and provide selection
like for contact directory.
4) use a register (iso19135) to manage a codelist of licenses and use
it to populate the information.
5) more advanced wizard ...
6) ...

If anyone is interested in the topic, we could try to discuss it on
next tuesday IRC and try to find a common approach ?

Thanks for your inputs.



Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at

Hi Francois, Andrew, et al,

Until recently, I worked on the ISO 19115-1. I don't think that the UML
has changed since then, if so, the changes will be minimal.

There have been changes to the constraints package. The root class,
MD_Constraints, has had several extra attributes added to it that should
meet your requirements. They are:

- constraintApplicationExtent [0..*]: EX_Extent
- graphic: MD_BrowseGraphic [0..*]
- reference: CI_Citation [0..*]
- releasability: MD_Releasability [0..1]
- responsibleParty: CI_Responsibility [0..*]

Of course these are all inherited into the MD_LegalConstraints and
MD_SecurityConstraints classes by the generalisation/specialisation of
the MD_Constraints class.

I think in your case you would use the MD_LegalConstraints class to
define your licences. The elements may look like this:

- use the useLimitation for a statement about the constraint. eg. "A
licence is needed to use or access this resource/metadata".

- use accessConstraints or useConstraints to identify that a licence is
needed for the resource/metadata. IE. choose "license" from a pick list.

- use the reference: CI_Citation [0..*] attribute to link to a licence
agreement. The CI_Citation class will have an onlineLink so you can link
to a web page etc. You can also identify the licence name eg. GPL,
responsibleParty eg. Apache, etc. etc.

- use the constraintApplicationExtent [0..*]: EX_Extent to identify any
time or spatial extents limitations on the licence agreement for that
resource/metadata. eg. "Licence is for one year." "Licence applies to

- use the graphic: MD_BrowseGraphic [0..*] to show a Creative Commons
icon or something similar. There will be an onlineLink in the
MD_BrowseGraphic class so you can link to a online image etc.

- use the releasability: MD_Releasability [0..1] to identify to whom the
resource/metadata can be released. eg. "Only available to French

- use the responsibleParty: CI_Responsibility [0..*] attribute to
identify who is responsible for the constraints of the
resource/metadata. eg. "Constraint applied by Francois."

However, until ISO 19115-1 is published then I tend to agree with Andrew
that it can be lumped into multiple useLimitation statements.

I hope that this helps.

John Hockaday.

P.S. I have assumed that you are French for the above examples. Please
forgive me if that assumption is wrong, but you'll still get the
idea. ;--)

On Mon, 2012-08-27 at 08:29 +0200, Francois Prunayre wrote:

Hi Andrew,

2012/8/27 andrew walsh <awalsh@anonymised.com>:
> Hi Francois,
> Isn't the "license" a "use limitation" so could it just be stored in
> say
> gmd:resourceConstraints/gmd:MD_LegalConstraints/gmd:useLimitation/gco:CharacterString

I've seen both elements used but useLimitation is probably better.
Anyone know if the next version of ISO19115 will modify the constraint
element ?

Thanks for your input.


> or
> gmd:resourceConstraints/gmd:MD_LegalConstraints/gmd:useLimitation/gmx:Anchor
> ?
> Or maybe you are already using the gmd:useLimitation/gco:CharacterString and
> you need
> to put extra info. gmd:otherConstraints/gco:CharacterString ?
> HTH,
> Andrew
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Francois Prunayre"
> <fx.prunayre@anonymised.com>
> To: <geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 2:23 AM
> Subject: [GeoNetwork-devel] Information about the license in a
> metadatarecord
>> Hello all,
>> We have the need to easily set the license information in a metadata
>> record. There are different options and ways to set information about
>> license, so If you've idea and comments on the following do not
>> hesitate.
>> Where to store the information about the license ?
>> In ISO19139, maybe gmd:otherConstraints is a good place. Some ISO
>> profiles add extra elements (like MCP, mcp:licenseLink,
>> mcp:licenseName, ... [1]).
>> How to easily populate the field ?
>> 1) use suggestion to provide a select box next to the field (like for
>> denominator). One issue here is that we don't have link to the
>> license.
>> 2) use a gmx:Anchor instead of gco:CharacterString to have a link to the
>> license
>> <gmd:otherConstraints>
>> <gmx:Anchor
>> xlink:href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/&quot;&gt;ODBL&lt;/gmx:Anchor&gt;
>> </gmd:otherConstraints>
>> 3) use a directory of license (subtemplates) and provide selection
>> like for contact directory.
>> 4) use a register (iso19135) to manage a codelist of licenses and use
>> it to populate the information.
>> 5) more advanced wizard ...
>> 6) ...
>> If anyone is interested in the topic, we could try to discuss it on
>> next tuesday IRC and try to find a common approach ?
>> Thanks for your inputs.
>> Francois
>> [1]
>> https://github.com/geonetwork/schema-plugins/blob/master/iso19139.mcp-1.4/set-datacommons.xsl
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Live Security Virtual Conference
>> Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
>> threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
>> will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
>> threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
>> _______________________________________________
>> GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
>> GeoNetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geonetwork-devel
>> GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Hi John,

2012/8/28 john.hockaday <john.hockaday@anonymised.com>:

Hi Francois, Andrew, et al,

Until recently, I worked on the ISO 19115-1. I don't think that the UML
has changed since then, if so, the changes will be minimal.

There have been changes to the constraints package. The root class,
MD_Constraints, has had several extra attributes added to it that should
meet your requirements. They are:

- constraintApplicationExtent [0..*]: EX_Extent
- graphic: MD_BrowseGraphic [0..*]
- reference: CI_Citation [0..*]
- releasability: MD_Releasability [0..1]
- responsibleParty: CI_Responsibility [0..*]

Thanks for this update on the next ISO19115. There will be much more
elements and it will also cover some of the needs we have (eg. icons,
reference) but it will be much more detailed than current information.
For the time being a simple select could allow to populate the field
(ie.useLimitation) but for the next one, it could be nice to have some
kind of wizard where you choose the license from a list (the
CI_Citation), define the app extent and releasability to populate all
license details (and hide the complexity of the editor which will be
generated from the schema).

Thanks a lot.


Of course these are all inherited into the MD_LegalConstraints and
MD_SecurityConstraints classes by the generalisation/specialisation of
the MD_Constraints class.

I think in your case you would use the MD_LegalConstraints class to
define your licences. The elements may look like this:

- use the useLimitation for a statement about the constraint. eg. "A
licence is needed to use or access this resource/metadata".

- use accessConstraints or useConstraints to identify that a licence is
needed for the resource/metadata. IE. choose "license" from a pick list.

- use the reference: CI_Citation [0..*] attribute to link to a licence
agreement. The CI_Citation class will have an onlineLink so you can link
to a web page etc. You can also identify the licence name eg. GPL,
responsibleParty eg. Apache, etc. etc.

- use the constraintApplicationExtent [0..*]: EX_Extent to identify any
time or spatial extents limitations on the licence agreement for that
resource/metadata. eg. "Licence is for one year." "Licence applies to

- use the graphic: MD_BrowseGraphic [0..*] to show a Creative Commons
icon or something similar. There will be an onlineLink in the
MD_BrowseGraphic class so you can link to a online image etc.

- use the releasability: MD_Releasability [0..1] to identify to whom the
resource/metadata can be released. eg. "Only available to French

- use the responsibleParty: CI_Responsibility [0..*] attribute to
identify who is responsible for the constraints of the
resource/metadata. eg. "Constraint applied by Francois."

However, until ISO 19115-1 is published then I tend to agree with Andrew
that it can be lumped into multiple useLimitation statements.

I hope that this helps.

John Hockaday.

P.S. I have assumed that you are French for the above examples. Please
forgive me if that assumption is wrong, but you'll still get the
idea. ;--)

On Mon, 2012-08-27 at 08:29 +0200, Francois Prunayre wrote:

Hi Andrew,

2012/8/27 andrew walsh <awalsh@anonymised.com>:
> Hi Francois,
> Isn't the "license" a "use limitation" so could it just be stored in
> say
> gmd:resourceConstraints/gmd:MD_LegalConstraints/gmd:useLimitation/gco:CharacterString

I've seen both elements used but useLimitation is probably better.
Anyone know if the next version of ISO19115 will modify the constraint
element ?

Thanks for your input.


> or
> gmd:resourceConstraints/gmd:MD_LegalConstraints/gmd:useLimitation/gmx:Anchor
> ?
> Or maybe you are already using the gmd:useLimitation/gco:CharacterString and
> you need
> to put extra info. gmd:otherConstraints/gco:CharacterString ?
> HTH,
> Andrew
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Francois Prunayre"
> <fx.prunayre@anonymised.com>
> To: <geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 2:23 AM
> Subject: [GeoNetwork-devel] Information about the license in a
> metadatarecord
>> Hello all,
>> We have the need to easily set the license information in a metadata
>> record. There are different options and ways to set information about
>> license, so If you've idea and comments on the following do not
>> hesitate.
>> Where to store the information about the license ?
>> In ISO19139, maybe gmd:otherConstraints is a good place. Some ISO
>> profiles add extra elements (like MCP, mcp:licenseLink,
>> mcp:licenseName, ... [1]).
>> How to easily populate the field ?
>> 1) use suggestion to provide a select box next to the field (like for
>> denominator). One issue here is that we don't have link to the
>> license.
>> 2) use a gmx:Anchor instead of gco:CharacterString to have a link to the
>> license
>> <gmd:otherConstraints>
>> <gmx:Anchor
>> xlink:href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/&quot;&gt;ODBL&lt;/gmx:Anchor&gt;
>> </gmd:otherConstraints>
>> 3) use a directory of license (subtemplates) and provide selection
>> like for contact directory.
>> 4) use a register (iso19135) to manage a codelist of licenses and use
>> it to populate the information.
>> 5) more advanced wizard ...
>> 6) ...
>> If anyone is interested in the topic, we could try to discuss it on
>> next tuesday IRC and try to find a common approach ?
>> Thanks for your inputs.
>> Francois
>> [1]
>> https://github.com/geonetwork/schema-plugins/blob/master/iso19139.mcp-1.4/set-datacommons.xsl
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Live Security Virtual Conference
>> Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
>> threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
>> will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
>> threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
>> _______________________________________________
>> GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
>> GeoNetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geonetwork-devel
>> GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork