Using svn trunk, when I invoke GN homepage, and click "Advanced Search",
a keywords text input is presented with an clickable icon which, which
clicked, shows popular keywords with number of like records.
When looking through the underlying DB model (I'm using MySQL), I can't
seem to find where this keyword index is stored. Is it stored on disk
instead? Where?
Having said this, I think this index lends very well to the concept of
tag clouds [1]. One can envision tag clouds as being presented on the
search page to allow users to click quickly to popular records, etc.
One can also envision the keyword index being available for tag-cloud
generators as an APML document [2].
I think it would be worthwhile to add functionality to output APML
documents as a portal service, i.e.:
..where maxrecs would limit the results. A server-side configuration
value can be set which is overridden by a URL param passed (if the URL
param passed < server-side value).
I hope I made sense. What do folks think, comments? If this seems
viable, I can file a ticket.