I checked out the latest code today for the BlueNetMEST, built it and ran the installer and got an index out of bounds error during the installation. I continued on and then ran the gast tool to configure the DB and also got this exception. Anyone else seeing this?
C:_work\geonetwork\BlueNet_MEST_SVN>java -jar gast\gast.jar
2008-10-22 11:35:06,302 INFO [gast] - Removing database objects
2008-10-22 11:35:10,708 INFO [gast] - Creating database schema
2008-10-22 11:35:13,114 INFO [gast] - Filling database tables
2008-10-22 11:35:13,114 DEBUG [gast] - - Filling table : Categories
2008-10-22 11:35:13,130 DEBUG [gast] - - Filling table : Settings
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 3, Size: 3
at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(ArrayList.java:546)
at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:321)
at org.fao.gast.lib.druid.ImportHandler.handleRow(Import.java:87)
at org.fao.gast.lib.druid.DdfLoader.handleRow(DdfLoader.java:117)
at org.fao.gast.lib.druid.DdfLoader.load(DdfLoader.java:80)
at org.fao.gast.lib.druid.Import.load(Import.java:34)
at org.fao.gast.lib.DatabaseLib.fillTables(DatabaseLib.java:456)
at org.fao.gast.lib.DatabaseLib.fillTables(DatabaseLib.java:428)
at org.fao.gast.lib.DatabaseLib.setup(DatabaseLib.java:109)
at org.fao.gast.gui.panels.database.setup.Worker.run(Worker.java:59)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
I couldn’t find an issue for this, should I raise one or is this issue already in hand?
The array of values past in doesn’t match the length of the fields array. This is when entries in the Settings.ddf file don’t have the fourth field “value”. So there needs to be a check on the length of values, and if it don’t match assume it’s “”.
Need to commit something like this in org.fao.gast.lib.druid.Import.java.
String token = “”;
if (i < values.size()) {
token = values.get(i);
Kevin Gunn
Software Engineer
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Ph: (07) 47534305
Fax: (07) 4772 5852
E-mail: k.gunn@anonymised.com
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