Based on the following documentation
it mention that there can be an "(optional) metadata.profil.xml
(ISO19139profil)" in the MEF zip file. What is the purpose of this file
during the load process? The documentation does not seem to clear on it's
usage. I'm asking this question in relation to Ticket #1123
I also thought that MEF was for loading any metadata supported by geonetwork
- I did not think this was specific to ISO 19139 records. The documentation
seem to indicate that the metadata.xml needs to be an ISO19139 record - is
this a typo in the documentation?
+--- metadata
| +--- metadata.xml *(ISO19139)*
| +--- (optional) metadata.profil.xml (ISO19139profil)
Thank you.
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/MEF-V2-question-tp5012209.html
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