Tricky - I suppose it does only affect those with high number of requests per day and it can be worked around by running it in its own tomcat/jetty instance and restarting regularly (something which is not uncommon for many web apps)? Is the 2.8.0 release actually done and ready to roll? If so, then the bug report has come after 2.8.0 release anyway. If 2.8.0 is ready then I think we just go with it and work on getting 2.8.1 out asap.
From: Jose Garcia []
Sent: Friday, 15 February 2013 6:33 PM
To: Jesse Eichar
Cc: Devel
Subject: Re: [GeoNetwork-devel] Memory leak on geonetwork master and maybe 2.8
Hi Jesse
Seem finally the 2.8 release didn't happen yesterday.
From your comments seem a critical issue that prevents to use properly GeoNetwork in production. I would propose then to commit to 2.8.x branch and do some testing about this. Possibly the best is to delay 2.8.0 release until next week then, and inform the users list about this decision.
But would like to hear also the opinion from others.
Jose García
On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 8:13 AM, Jesse Eichar <<>> wrote:
I am aware that this email comes at a bad time :-(. But I only discovered this issue the day before yesterday (wednesday) and only fixed it yesterday evening (thursday).
Here is the story:
I recently (tuesday) added a long term performance test on integration server (which is based on the latest geonetwork-core code.) The test consists of a jmeter suite that runs every hour and hammers the system with several hundred requests in only a couple of minutes. After about 10 hours the system would crash. It was a memory leak in the handling of lucene searchers.
It turned out that the code that purges old searchers was never being called. As a result every searcher ever created was being kept in memory, along with the full lucene index for that version. Since the index is updated every time a metadata is accessed the index is updated frequently, and thus new searchers are also frequently being created. I was finding hundreds/thousands of searchers were held in memory.
I have made a series of commits to master that fixes this issue but I have not tested 2.8 branch.
My Question:
What should I do about the 2.8 release in light of this issue? I think 2.8 branch is currently used by people so under normal/light loads this might not be a big issue. But in my experience under medium/high loads it is a critical issue.
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Jose García
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