Hi Carl,
Thanks for the reply.
I was expecting a web site/registry that will show me the full the list of available URN for the different authorities. Especially the OGC URNs for services etc. It would also be really nice to have them in an ISO 19139 code list catalogue XML format, but that may be expecting too much.
I have noticed that the GeoNetwork uses the following syntax for the types of protocols in its ISO 19139 metadata:
I don't know where this syntax came from but it would seem to me that using the official URNs would be better for interoperability between CSW. For example, (if I understand the specification correctly)
would be
(Though I'm guessing the content after the "WMS" string.)
The URLS in the OGC-NA_Name_type_specification_-_definitions.pdf (http://www.opengis.net/register/ogc-na/authority, http://www.opengis.net/register/ogc-na/namea and http://www.opengis.net/register/ogc-na/def-type) aren't available.
Is there somewhere where I can get a list of all the different URNs for each authority?
-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Reed [mailto:creed@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 18 August 2009 3:53 AM
To: Hockaday John; metadata@anonymised.com
Cc: graybeal@anonymised.com; ddnebert@anonymised.com
Subject: Re: [metadata] Official way of representing OGC
services in ISO 19139 metadata protocol element [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]John -
I believe that the Board being referred to is the OGC Naming
Simon Cox is the Chair. There are 7 OGC Members who comprise
the board. The
formal approved policies and procedures documents for this are here:
http://www.opengeospatial.org/ogc/policies/directivesA draft OGC-NA page is here: http://www.opengeospatial.org/ogcna
The urn resolver is in alpha. We hope to formally bring it
online later this
year. There are many additions that need to be done.Anyway, the resolver will use an official OGC urn registry.
----- Original Message -----
From: <John.Hockaday@anonymised.com>
To: <metadata@anonymised.com>
Cc: <creed@anonymised.com>; <graybeal@anonymised.com>;
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:16 PM
Subject: RE: [metadata] Official way of representing OGC
services in ISO
19139 metadata protocol element [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]> Hi All,
> I missed any reply to this email. Is there some way to
access the board's
> published list?
> Thanks.
> John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Graybeal [mailto:graybeal@anonymised.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 1:19 AM
>> To: Hockaday John; Doug Nebert
>> Cc: Reed Carl; metadata@anonymised.com
>> Subject: Re: [metadata] Official way of representing OGC
>> services in ISO 19139 metadata protocol element [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
>> On May 19, 2009, at 1:57 PM, douglas.nebert@anonymised.com wrote:
>> > There is now a URN board now to define, publish, and arbitrate
>> > these for systematic use.
>> This is exciting news.
>> Please clarify/elucidate: Who has this board? Is its work
visible on-
>> line? On whose behalf is it doing the defining/publishing/
>> arbitrating? Who is invited to participate, via what
mechanisms? Are
>> the results published in a repository/some repositories? Are
>> arrangements being made to interoperate with existing
repositories and
>> vocabularies, so as to not 'reinvent the wheel' for a given set of
>> concepts?
>> Like John H, I think there is a fairly wide interest, and more
>> visibility is very important for interoperability.
>> John
>> On May 18, 2009, at 11:09 PM, <John.Hockaday@anonymised.com> wrote:
>> > Hi Doug,
>> >
>> > Thanks for your prompt reply.
>> >
>> > How do I get my hands on the URN board's published list? I also
>> > think that this list should be sent to GeoNetwork developers and
>> > other metadata systems developers so that we are all
using the same
>> > terms. This of course will assist in interoperability between
>> > different CSW or metadata registries.
>> >
>> > Thanks again.
>> >
>> > John
>> --------------
>> John Graybeal <mailto:graybeal@anonymised.com> -- 831-775-1956
>> Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
>> Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org