I am new to geonetwork and did a little bit of digging on the code to find out the working of geonetwork. I think I understand at least 90% of things related to how geonetwork code work.
I got stuck at one position which is causing me a real frustration. So please help on where I am going wrong. I did following things. Basically I created a service
resources.geotiffupload made a entry in configuration file as below and gave necessary services permission to the user.
<service name=“.resources.geotiffupload”>
<class name=“.resources.Upload1” />
<output sheet=" file-upload-results.xsl " />
I have used the resources .Upload class and copied the code to Upload1 commented the section where metadata detailed is queried and left the remaining section. I also modified the code of file-upload.xsl to call this service in event of clicking on “upload” button in modal box.
In response to that in modal box I get the xml code returned by the jeeves file upload services. The conversion to response object with just file name and file size does not happens. In console it not even prints the context.info strings.
Can anyone explain what may be wrong?
I have few more queries on js debugging.
How to debug the java script section in Firefox. I am stuck on another service similar to create a modal box . When I work with Firefox modal box shows for a moment and then closes automatically and forms gets posted. There may be some jsfile which I may be required. But without js debugger in firefox I am clue less. So to find out where in java script the function is called which is not present needs to be found out. Please help on this.
Many thanks and sorry if these question are stupid but I need to know.
Kind Regards