Hello Steve,
2010/1/25 stephen richard <smrtucson@anonymised.com>:
this looks like a useful interface addition.
I'm curious about precisely where these relations are going in the
metadata-looks like you're populating several element. Here are my guesses
for the mapping to ISO19139 xml:
parent/child MD_Metadata/parentIdentifier/CharacterString
dataset to service exposing the data:
Not really. The use of CI_OnlineResource is useful but was not
standard at all. At least it's a good way to link to the service URL.
But we are using in GeoNetwork the description in CI_OnlineResource to
store the layerName and that's needed to load layers in interactive
map. This feature is still available but does not create a link
between metadata records (dataset and service). It creates a link
between a metadata record on dataset and a service available on the
web (not its metadata).
service to dataset that service operates on:
xlink:href=" " uuid=" " (need profile decision about what the href is, or
how to use the uuid to find the resource...)
No really. Relation is stored in uuidref attribute based on uuid in
operatesOn and coupledResource elements :
<srv:operatesOn uuidref=""/>
and (according to ISO CSW profil)
Here scopedName is used to store the layerName as defined in the
service (similar to our use of description in CI_OnlineResource).
Only relation between records in the same catalogue are handle. Use of
XLink attributes are not supported to create relation between datasets
and services.
data set to feature catalog
No. As mentionned in the wiki page, we're using the relation table of
The content model for these relationships is quite different...
Personally, I think it would make sense to use aggregationInfo
) to represent all relationships between resources that might be construed
as parent-child (instead of MD_Metadata/parentIdentifier), because the
associationType property can be used to make the semantics of the
relationship clear (perhaps with a codelist extension). This would simplify
the UI as well, one could present a list of related resources with the
relationship type. MD_AggregateInformation can be either a CI_Citation or an
Contribution and specification welcome I don't heard about any
profils defining such extension but that's true it could be more
generic to create relations based on aggregates.
Thank for the question, I updated the proposal page with my comments.
On 1/24/2010 9:47 AM, Francois Prunayre wrote:
Dear PSC members,
I would like to propose an improvement on the editor in order to
define relation between metadata records (iso19139, iso19119 and
This proposal define a user interface to set 3 types of relation:
* dataset metadata / service metadata (including a link to the data
based on WMS layer name)
* parent / child relation
* feature catalogue / dataset metadata
The complete proposal is available here [1] and patch here [2].
If motion pass, this new feature will be added to GeoNetwork trunk
(for 2.5 release).
This development was first made in the GéoSource and geocat.ch sandboxes.
Looking forward to your votes, Regards.
[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/wiki/MetadataRelation
[2] http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/ticket/176
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