[GeoNetwork-devel] Proposal to add Jose Garcia as committer to trunk

Dear PSC,
I would like to propose Jose Garcia to be added as committer to trunk. Jose has been working with us for a long time already providing good improvements and new functionality to GeoNetwork.

A recent improvement he has been working on is the upgrade of GeoServer to v2.0. Furthermore he has worked on upgrading of the map client to be based on OpenLayers for the Dutch national Registry, the implementation of the ebRIM protocol in GeoNetwork for the European Space Agency and many other contributions to GeoNetwork based projects.

Please cast your votes as soon as possible.

My vote is +1


+1 for me.


2010/1/29 Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com>:

Dear PSC,
I would like to propose Jose Garcia to be added as committer to trunk. Jose has been working with us for a long time already providing good improvements and new functionality to GeoNetwork.

A recent improvement he has been working on is the upgrade of GeoServer to v2.0. Furthermore he has worked on upgrading of the map client to be based on OpenLayers for the Dutch national Registry, the implementation of the ebRIM protocol in GeoNetwork for the European Space Agency and many other contributions to GeoNetwork based projects.

Please cast your votes as soon as possible.

My vote is +1




Alle 13:54:23 di venerdì 29 gennaio 2010, Francois Prunayre ha scritto:

+1 for me.


2010/1/29 Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com>:
> Dear PSC,
> I would like to propose Jose Garcia to be added as committer to trunk.
> Jose has been working with us for a long time already providing good
> improvements and new functionality to GeoNetwork.
> A recent improvement he has been working on is the upgrade of GeoServer
> to v2.0. Furthermore he has worked on upgrading of the map client to be
> based on OpenLayers for the Dutch national Registry, the implementation
> of the ebRIM protocol in GeoNetwork for the European Space Agency and
> many other contributions to GeoNetwork based projects.
> Please cast your votes as soon as possible.
> My vote is +1
> Greetings,
> Jeroen

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GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at


Jose has done a great job on geocat.ch and I'm looking forward to seeing
him be a GeoNetwork commiter.


Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Dear PSC,
I would like to propose Jose Garcia to be added as committer to trunk. Jose has been working with us for a long time already providing good improvements and new functionality to GeoNetwork.

A recent improvement he has been working on is the upgrade of GeoServer to v2.0. Furthermore he has worked on upgrading of the map client to be based on OpenLayers for the Dutch national Registry, the implementation of the ebRIM protocol in GeoNetwork for the European Space Agency and many other contributions to GeoNetwork based projects.

Please cast your votes as soon as possible.

My vote is +1

The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation
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GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Camptocamp SA
Emmanuel BELO
CH-1015 Lausanne

+41 21 619 10 25 (direct)
+41 21 619 10 10 (centrale)
+41 21 619 10 00 (fax)

+1 for me.
Welcome on board Jose!


On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Emmanuel BELO <emmanuel.belo@anonymised.com> wrote:


Jose has done a great job on geocat.ch and I’m looking forward to seeing
him be a GeoNetwork commiter.


Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Dear PSC,
I would like to propose Jose Garcia to be added as committer to trunk. Jose has been working with us for a long time already providing good improvements and new functionality to GeoNetwork.

A recent improvement he has been working on is the upgrade of GeoServer to v2.0. Furthermore he has worked on upgrading of the map client to be based on OpenLayers for the Dutch national Registry, the implementation of the ebRIM protocol in GeoNetwork for the European Space Agency and many other contributions to GeoNetwork based projects.

Please cast your votes as soon as possible.

My vote is +1


The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation
Stay online with enterprise data centers and the best network in the business
Choose flexible plans and management services without long-term contracts
Personal 24x7 support from experience hosting pros just a phone call away.

GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Camptocamp SA
Emmanuel BELO
CH-1015 Lausanne

+41 21 619 10 25 (direct)
+41 21 619 10 10 (centrale)
+41 21 619 10 00 (fax)

The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation
Stay online with enterprise data centers and the best network in the business
Choose flexible plans and management services without long-term contracts
Personal 24x7 support from experience hosting pros just a phone call away.

GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork



Dear PSC,
I would like to propose Jose Garcia to be added as committer to trunk. Jose has been working with us for a long time already providing good improvements and new functionality to GeoNetwork.

A recent improvement he has been working on is the upgrade of GeoServer to v2.0. Furthermore he has worked on upgrading of the map client to be based on OpenLayers for the Dutch national Registry, the implementation of the ebRIM protocol in GeoNetwork for the European Space Agency and many other contributions to GeoNetwork based projects.

Please cast your votes as soon as possible.

My vote is +1




Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Dear PSC,
I would like to propose Jose Garcia to be added as committer to trunk. Jose has been working with us for a long time already providing good improvements and new functionality to GeoNetwork.

A recent improvement he has been working on is the upgrade of GeoServer to v2.0. Furthermore he has worked on upgrading of the map client to be based on OpenLayers for the Dutch national Registry, the implementation of the ebRIM protocol in GeoNetwork for the European Space Agency and many other contributions to GeoNetwork based projects.

Please cast your votes as soon as possible.

My vote is +1
