Hello Jose, I made some test using sqlite [1] and its jdbc driver [2].
Setting the resource is easy
<resource enabled="true">
Create the db using SQL scripts.
2010/5/12 jose garcia <josegar74@anonymised.com>:
As commented in IRC yesterday, I have done some testing with H2 database and
GeoNetwork. I tested metadata import/editing/searching and
groups/users/categories/settings management and seem ok.
It was ok until I tried to run multiple harvesting tasks. Then I get
some database locked.
java.sql.SQLException: [SQLITE_BUSY] The database file is locked
(database is locked)
Could you test that with H2 and see what happens ?
H2 allows to connect to a directly to a database file or run a server. I
tested the first option, but has some drawbacks, for example can't connect
to database from another process (like SQL client) while GeoNetwork is
running and has the database locked.
The sqlite database is locked only when having transactions. So you
could still access the db with another app when not locked.
If we use a server this is not a problem. To run a server I think we
should develop an H2 Activator like now for McKoi to startup the database
when starting GeoNetwork.
Should be good to hear some opinions about using H2 (or another database) to
replace McKoi.
Sqlite could be also nice to store the spatial index using spatialite
(I did not test that yet but GeoTools provide a driver for that).
I had a look to the license and H2 is licensed under modified MPL1.1
and EPL and sqlite JDBC driver under Apache 2.0.
[1] http://www.sqlite.org/features.html
[2] http://www.xerial.org/trac/Xerial/wiki/SQLiteJDBC
Jose Garcia
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