Last week in Bolsena I backported the GN Jeeves protocol testing framework from the geocat.ch sandbox into the main trunk (agreed by the committers there present). There are additions in 3 places:
- jeeves: package jeeves.server.local (to allow a local Jeeves engine)
- src: package org.fao.geonet.test : the test framework
- test/ dir: readme + some actual tests
Although the basics now work starting from an SVN checkout (and running GAST!), there is still effort required to reach full (maven) test automation:
- tweak the XMLUnit comparison
- have config under test/resources (now under web/geonetwork/WEB-INF)
- automatic (lazy) database creation when no DB is present (now need to do Gast setup)
- initial DB data: mechanism to get initial (setUp) data in DB
- maven-specific integration (directory pattern)
- report generation (by maven?)
Should I open a trac issue to make the above more visible ? best,
Just van den Broecke just@anonymised.com
Just Objects B.V. tel +31 65 4268627 Skype: justb4
The Netherlands http://www.justobjects.nl
hi Just,
I think the report generation comes automatically, once it’s integrated with Maven.
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Just van den Broecke <just@anonymised.com> wrote:
Last week in Bolsena I backported the GN Jeeves protocol testing
framework from the geocat.ch sandbox into the main trunk (agreed by the
committers there present). There are additions in 3 places:
- jeeves: package jeeves.server.local (to allow a local Jeeves engine)
- src: package org.fao.geonet.test : the test framework
- test/ dir: readme + some actual tests
Although the basics now work starting from an SVN checkout (and running
GAST!), there is still effort required to reach full (maven) test
- tweak the XMLUnit comparison
- have config under test/resources (now under web/geonetwork/WEB-INF)
- automatic (lazy) database creation when no DB is present (now need to
do Gast setup)
- initial DB data: mechanism to get initial (setUp) data in DB
- maven-specific integration (directory pattern)
- report generation (by maven?)
Should I open a trac issue to make the above more visible ? best,
Just van den Broecke just@anonymised.com
Just Objects B.V. tel +31 65 4268627 Skype: justb4
The Netherlands http://www.justobjects.nl
GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork
Hi guys,
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 1:03 PM, heikki <tropicano@anonymised.com> wrote:
hi Just,
I think the report generation comes automatically, once it’s integrated with Maven.
Indeed, it will.
I’ll let you know about this stuff when it will be ready.
I've added a proposal wiki page (GIP) "TestAutomation" (http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/wiki/TestAutomation) on http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/wiki/proposals, in order to collect information and bring the development into the steering process.
Note that within GeoServer there are similar requirements for a "test framework", (e.g. http://docs.codehaus.org/display/DH/Home) and recent discussions on their CITE (http://bit.ly/b0N4R) approach and http://bit.ly/588oZ so we (GN&GS) can at least learn from each other and/or possibly develop a common approach/framework.
Just van den Broecke wrote:
Last week in Bolsena I backported the GN Jeeves protocol testing framework from the geocat.ch sandbox into the main trunk (agreed by the committers there present). There are additions in 3 places:
- jeeves: package jeeves.server.local (to allow a local Jeeves engine)
- src: package org.fao.geonet.test : the test framework
- test/ dir: readme + some actual tests
Although the basics now work starting from an SVN checkout (and running GAST!), there is still effort required to reach full (maven) test automation:
- tweak the XMLUnit comparison
- have config under test/resources (now under web/geonetwork/WEB-INF)
- automatic (lazy) database creation when no DB is present (now need to do Gast setup)
- initial DB data: mechanism to get initial (setUp) data in DB
- maven-specific integration (directory pattern)
- report generation (by maven?)
Should I open a trac issue to make the above more visible ? best,
Just van den Broecke just@anonymised.com
Just Objects B.V. tel +31 65 4268627 Skype: justb4
The Netherlands http://www.justobjects.nl
GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork
Just van den Broecke just@anonymised.com
Just Objects B.V. tel +31 65 4268627 Skype: justb4
The Netherlands http://www.justobjects.nl