Dear all,
Today we made a TEST release v2.5.0. This is NOT a stable release and should only be used by people that would like to experiment or test some new functionality that will become available in version 2.6.0 that is scheduled for August 2010.
I will say this once more: do not use the v2.5.x releases for any production environment. v2.5.x releases are purely made for testing of new code that has been added for inclusion in v2.6.x. This also means that the released functionality may change, or in some cases is very likely to be changed in the near future.
We invite all those that are interested in testing out the new code to do so, considering the instability of the system and the non-polished look and feel of parts of the software. You may encounter bugs and other things you don’t like.
Please report issues you find in the bug tracking system we have at
You may first need to create an account at OSGeo to be able to add a new ticket:
You can download the v2.5.0 unstable release at:
(Download here)
And details on included functionality can be found here:
Jeroen Ticheler
GeoCat bv
Irisstraat 52
7531 CW Enschede
Tel: +31 (0)6 81286572
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