Hi everyone,
I am using the rss.search service and showing the response in google maps (i.e. http://cedai.imedea.uib-csic.es/geonetwork/srv/es/rss.search?eastBL=-20.3906&southBL=-23.2031&northBL=32.3438&westBL=-105.4688&hitsPerPage=100&category=proyectos&georss=simplepoint)
The problem is that I cannot see another response fields like item link.
- Is there any way to see the link item in the GeoRSS popup information in Google Maps?
- If in the distribution area of the metada I’ve defined the protocol: web address (URL) and I write an URL in this field. How can I see this URL in the rss.search response?
Thanks a lot,
Miguel Gonzalez